WAPO Asks If Murdered Pollyanna Millennial Couple Were Naive – IOTW Report

WAPO Asks If Murdered Pollyanna Millennial Couple Were Naive

Earlier in the month a cliched progressive couple were murdered by Muslims while bicycling through Tajikistan. WAPO asked yesterday-

Were the American cyclists killed in Tajikistan naive for traveling there?

The question is a McGuffin. It’s not the correct question. After explaining in their article that Tajikistan wasn’t rated too highly on the caution scale for Western travelers (even though it borders Afghanistan) they conclude that the couple weren’t naive, as charged by “the right.”

The safety of the country has nothing to do with their naivety. It was their worldview about “evil” that made them clueless chumps.

Via The Pluralist-

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Austin wrote. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil.”

“I don’t buy it,” he continued. “Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own… By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind.”

He and his girlfriend, as well as two other cyclists, were rammed by a car and then knifed to death in the road.

Yes, I’d say they were naive.

34 Comments on WAPO Asks If Murdered Pollyanna Millennial Couple Were Naive

  1. I think the term naive is a serious understatement here ….. it seems to me that STOOOOOOOOOOPID is the correct phraseology for this incident.

    Evil definitely exists (it always has as long as humans have existed) despite the new found “wisdom” of millennial “philosophers” that so wholeheartedly disagree with this world’s reality. These poor, misguided souls discovered this eternal truth the hard way.

  2. Deep down Muslims are kind and benevolent people so cycling through a fecal divot country dominated by them sould be perfectly safe.
    And Hillary Clinton was/is an honorable woman in that same alternate universe progressives dwell in. More liberal hyenas need to vacation in those fetid wastelands.

  3. Hey they didn’t even get a chance to meet the Native Driver. They deserved it for Breaking some Custom I’d say, and we can be sure they agreed as they were Stabbed in a Delightfully Traditional manner.

  4. They were indeed naive and terminally stupid but the question is flawed on an even deeper level: how naive were the bikers just run down by a Mohammedan in the U.K.?

    Answer: maybe the U.K. bikers were naive and maybe they weren’t but it’s got nothing to do with the incident itself. The point is WHO did it, and the Left knows it.

    The common factor:


  5. “You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Austin wrote. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil.”

    I can’t help but wonder. Do such fools insist that human evil somehow doesn’t really exist because they are too cowardly to face their own potential for evil?

  6. If the WaPo thinks the American bicyclists were naive (stupid) for traveling in Tajikistan (a muslim country) does it not also follow that America (and every other non-muslim country) is naive (stupid) for bringing 3rd world muslims into their midst?

  7. Maybe the bicyclists wouldn’t get their asses out of the way and were impeding traffic. I almost understand what the Muzzie was trying to accomplish this one time, because I’ve also had the urge to do the same.

  8. If you are an unmarried couple you DO NOT sleep together in a muslim dominated area. You will most likely be reported to the local mullah and hunted down. I’ve been researching central Asia for possible travel and most areas are safe providing you dress and behave conservatively. Nowhere is completely safe. Hell, I stayed at a motel in a small town in Idaho the other night and shots were fired in the unit next to me.

  9. The naive scale runs from 1 to 10 then suddenly jumps upward directly to the stupid ass scale. It used to be taught at home by my Mom and was a favorite lesson Dad used frequently.

  10. Ahhhhh … that ALL such thoughtful people would bicycle through Tajikistan.

    Perhaps the Demonrats (listening? Nancy? Mad Max? Steny? Claire?) could organize bike tours prior to the elections … sort of a “get out the vote” thing?

    That whole kumbayah shit would resound well with our urban denizens (not the negroes – the moronic whites who live amongst them).

    The bicycle reference was a dead giveaway.

    Run off the road and knifed … I don’t know … sounds kinda poetic …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. I have no interest in going to fookin’ Dearborn, much less asscrackistan!

    ” Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. Maybe the good and peaceful muslims were just trying to render first aid to them with a knife and might just need more education and jobs.
    33677 deadly attacks since 911 and counting.

  13. Can I donate to a program promoting more bicycling leftists to Tajikistan?

    I don’t believe in Evil either so this case must have been a one-off. Don’t let the Right win by canceling your vacay plans to fuckheadistan.

  14. they “quit their office jobs in Washington, DC,”.

    I have never had enough money to travel the world and now it is too late. Some credit card company is out a lot of money. Am i jealous? Somewhat.

    What do you call people that can afford to travel the world but are too stupid to survive the trip? Fools.

  15. Bicyclists Without Borders.

    Travel the world’s most misunderstood shitholes on bikes that cost more than ten people’s annual income in your spandex baboon ass pants and shaved legs.

    This is a tv show I would watch and make wagers on as to which village will kill them.

  16. @JustAl August 16, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    > May I suggest a program to encourage biking through Mexican border towns? Much closer so more “bank” for the bucks.

    And frees up burros for better uses.

  17. What makes this a feel good story is these to ignorant & arrogant fools will never vote again. (Thanks Merry P. for the concise summation of what they were).

    They probably met their deaths thinking this was not an evil act but just a reasonable response to their being guilty of an inadvertent microaggression due to their white privilege.

    I true pity ISIS did not make a video of these two.

  18. This same couple that had no problem getting on bikes and riding through ISIS territory would probably have been appalled at the thought of biking through middle America and interacting with conservatives or Republicans. That is where the tolerance stops.


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