WAPO Declares Hillary a Fashion Icon – I Just Spit Two Green Loogies into My Water – IOTW Report

WAPO Declares Hillary a Fashion Icon – I Just Spit Two Green Loogies into My Water


…beyond cut and color, designers are obsessing about strong and powerful women who are independent and enduring — perhaps even a bit scandalous. There has been talk of O’Keeffe, Germaine Greer, Gloria Steinem, influential mothers and grandmothers — and of course, Hillary Clinton.

The Democratic presidential nominee is, by no means, the typical fashion icon, not in the manner of an actress, a musician or even First Lady Michelle Obama. But it is hard to deny her influence, whether direct or indirect — on so many designers. The historic nature of her campaign is in the air; and much of Seventh Avenue has been quite clear about supporting her. Just before fashion week began, more than a dozen designers participated in a runway show-fundraiser for Clinton, that was co-hosted by Vogue’s Anna Wintour.

But in a non-partisan way, Clinton’s proximity to the presidency has invited designers to reconsider the relationship that women have to power and how it manifests in attire and style. Designers have responded in ways that have been inventive, charming and reassuring. They have refused to be caught up in all the old clichés of polished jackets and below-the-knee skirts.

ht/ illustr8r

We see what they mean—


23 Comments on WAPO Declares Hillary a Fashion Icon – I Just Spit Two Green Loogies into My Water

  1. The Last row, middle one, looks like they reopened Chairman Mao’s sarcophagus and stole his jacket. It is not gray, its drab green with lots of decomposure dust on it. Some Mao Tse-Tung’s, but most from Hillary. The old bag lady is rotting on her cankles.

  2. Mooshele Obama all over again. Whether its fashion, or movie/tv/music awards, reality is always distorted by politics; as soon as you spew left wing hate, you are suddenly declared an artistic genius.

  3. Aunt Pittypat’s green velvet portiers would have looked better on Cankles than those haute couture tents. That includes the brass curtain rod across the back of the neck and sticking out the sleeves. I am sure Donatella Versace threw up just a little.

  4. Hillary is a fashion icon.
    Mooch is the most glamorous first ‘lady’.
    Obama is a Christian.
    Biden is a foreign policy genius.
    obamacare is Constitutional.
    The GOP is America’s conservative party.
    Ft Hood was “workplace violence”.
    Islam is a religion of peace.

    See the pattern here?

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