WaPo Fact-Checker Comes Clean on Biden’s Lying – IOTW Report

WaPo Fact-Checker Comes Clean on Biden’s Lying

PJ Media

Up to now, the Washington Post’s resident “Fact-Checker” Glenn Kessler has been a loyal propagandist for the leftist establishment, never breaking character or giving any sign that he was interested in or even capable of independent thought.

Even Kessler, however, seems to have finally had enough of Old Joe Biden’s constant lying. On Thursday, Kessler made what for the WaPo amounted to a remarkable admission: much of what Old Joe blathers on about is not “credible.” That’s a polite way of saying that the faux president is a liar.

8 Comments on WaPo Fact-Checker Comes Clean on Biden’s Lying

  1. “…“President Biden has brought honesty and integrity back to the Oval Office,” deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates told The Fact Checker. “Like he promised, he gives the American people the truth right from the shoulder and takes pride in being straight with the country about his agenda and his values…”

    It’s not hard to see how this mouthpiece got his job. He speaks from the lap of one of Biteme’s handlers.

  2. Jeff Bezos’ WAPO (let’s never forget he owns this malignant pile of garbage) is simply leftist propaganda. Like the ACLU, they’ll come out with an honest story or cause once in a while, to deflect from the evil they’re really doing.


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