WAPO Puts All Hillary Health Rumors To Rest With This One Video – IOTW Report

WAPO Puts All Hillary Health Rumors To Rest With This One Video

“This video should put the crazy Hillary Clinton health rumors to rest.” – Jonathan Capehart.

I guess in Capehart’s gay world this is considered rigorous activity. Watch as Hillary walks 7 feet and bends over to pick up cards on the floor.

Here’s more proof Hillary is fine-


She can shake hands.


She can make friendly eye contact.


And recognize specific people.


She can add one plus one.


She still has her sense of humor… surprising Bill by wearing the protective plastic carpet runner.

Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 8.18.10 AM

And mocks Monica Lewinsky wherever she goes.





27 Comments on WAPO Puts All Hillary Health Rumors To Rest With This One Video

  1. BigFurHat. Without having ever met you in person and not knowing what you look like, you are one of two of the funniest I’ve ever known.


  2. I love the talk of her hypothyroidism. I’ve struggled with hypo/hyper thyroid disease for 20 years now, and I don’t have a coughing problem(never heard that was a side effect) and I’ve never had bug eyes (my poor sister did, because she was hyper, and that’s dangerous), and I’ve never made tick moves with my head.
    Hypo/hyper thyroid disease doesn’t cause ANY of these things.
    Just google the disease to learn. It’s inherited.
    And I read that she’s taking Armour Thyroid medication, which anyone on this site can buy as it is voodoo medication which is taken from the thyroid of a pig. A pig raised by Armour meat company.
    This woman is a liar, and a psychopath. That’s her REAL disease.
    Now I have to get over laughing at Fur’s post while getting mad that this Stump in a pantsuit keeps conning the American people with her fake medical information.

  3. It is astounding that anyone would fall for that horrible, rehearsed, amateur hour performance. The wooden lady needs to get some of her Hollywood buddies to teach her a ‘smidgeon’ of acting, even a small bit at the very least might make the ‘events’ seem a bit more spontaneous. What s freaking joke.

    Wait, what am I saying? Any of the Hollywood people she knows HAVE NO TALENT, and like her, are way past believable or box office draws. Oh, oh, I see it clearly, now. She HAS gotten help from them, but all they can teach is what they know=NOTHING, except shallow, money grubbing, self-interest, floundering for any attention.

  4. I wont be convinced she’s healthy until I see her chopping wood like Reagan did — cause that’s the kind of conspiracy theory sucker I am.

    So someone give her an axe, already

  5. Nicely done, BFH.
    “And mocks Monica Lewinsky wherever she goes.” is my favorite.

    So the fat cow can bend over and straighten up again.
    Well…that’s it, then. She must be fine.
    Except for when she isn’t.
    I want them to make her and Joey Biden run a three-legged race.
    It wouldn’t prove anything, but it would be funny as hell.

  6. Sick or not, she got fat and thinks no one noticed. She is surrounded by so many kiss ups no one cares enough to tell her she looks ridiculous. And the crazy money she spends only adds to the delusion. She still thinks she looks great – beleive me. Like Michelle, and many liberal woman, they wear ugly clothes because they think they’re so unquestionably attractive (and sexually desirable) that the can pull of anything. Almost is if they are doing the cloths a favor

  7. Look at how slowly, and carefully killary walks over to pick up the “fallen” piece of paper.
    That was choreographed (badly), and she still moved like she just got out of major surgery.
    I cannot believe that anyone can even stomach seeing this corrupt, immoral, slimy, SKANK.
    She needs to just disappear permanently.
    Her and all of those like her.
    Keep your powder dry.

  8. Armour, eh?

    Hot dogs
    Armour hot dogs
    What kind of kids eat Armour hot dogs
    Fat kids, skinny kids
    Kids who climb on rocks
    Tough kids, sissy kids
    Even kids with chicken pox
    love hot dogs
    Armour hot dogs
    The dog

  9. Armour, eh?

    Hot dogs
    Armour hot dogs
    What kind of kids eat Armour hot dogs
    Fat kids, skinny kids
    Kids who climb on rocks
    Tough kids, sissy kids
    Even kids with chicken pox
    love hot dogs
    Armour hot dogs
    The dog

  10. This is getting Maoish and Kim Il Sungish.
    Specific lighting if they have to meet a small group. Prearranged questions and keeping the meeting short. Propaganda ministers in the media proclaiming “vigorous” leaders. All of this leads to a “sudden” trip down the LBJ Expressway to Hell, with the media ministers crying out they had no idea. By the way, has she requested to be photographed a certain way like The Un’s grandpa did?


  11. Drudge has picture of her having to us a step stool to get into a Suburban.
    Meanwhile, the Drudge link goes to a new ad where she is tying Trump to the KKK. Forget the fact she worked with KKK Byrd in the Senate.

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