Wapo Slowly Dims the Lights – IOTW Report

Wapo Slowly Dims the Lights


It was claimed that [Washington Post Executive Editor Sally] Buzbee, who made history as the publications first female executive editor, had sparred with the British-born media exec in recent months over his aggressive plan to carve up the newsroom and Buzbee’s direction, which “pushed the editor to resign” Sunday.

[Sir William John] Lewis became the Post’s publisher and chief executive in January.

Buzbee exited after three years following deteriorating finances and readership, with the last year recording roughly $77 million in losses and audience decline of 50 percent since 2020. The reported substantial loss of income led to nearly 13 percent of the staff being laid off during 2023. More

12 Comments on Wapo Slowly Dims the Lights

  1. Notice how the staff was concerned about diversity in the hiring process. Your ship is sinking. Hire the best. What the hell is wrong with these people?

  2. “Nobody’s reading your stuff.” That would to be a big problem for a newspaper and I would focus on that rather than worrying about a diversity hire.

    I’ve been reading about Disney’s problems with their new Star Wars series “The Acolyte.” Many critics are slamming the project, and during an interview the interviewer remarked that this was “the gayest Star Wars yet,” to which the lead actress and the director agreed with approval. They also called straight Star Wars fans nerds, and complained that most of the hardcore Star Wars fans were male. This lead to a strange publicity tour where the director and studio head seemed intent on alienating over half of their fan base.

    I guess the Washington Post, Disney and other woke companies don’t care if they crash and burn so long as they remain ideologically (and idiotically) pure.

  3. No matter what happens in the news world we already know what the Post is going to say, who has immunity from exposure, who’s going to be attacked, cops are bad, the rich don’t pay enough, global warming is the problem, wind and solar are the answer, oil is bad, black criminals are innocent, whites are racist, we’re not gay enough, republican successes are denied, Hillary can do no wrong, Biden is a genius, Big Mike is a woman, guns are the problem. Except for names, dates, and places nothing changes with them. Why buy a paper when you can already predict what they’re going to say?


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