WaPo To Lose $100 Million This Year – IOTW Report

WaPo To Lose $100 Million This Year

Daily Caller

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ The Washington Post is projected to lose around $100 million in 2023, two individuals familiar with the Post’s finances told The New York Times.

Additionally, two other individuals briefed on the matter disclosed that the Post is projected to fall short of anticipated advertising revenue for 2023, according to the NYT. The Post has faced challenges in expanding its paid customer base since the 2020 election when it reached a peak of 3 million digital subscriptions compared to about 2.5 million now. More

13 Comments on WaPo To Lose $100 Million This Year

  1. Remember during covid, when the second ‘stimulus’ specifically gave extra to newspapers? Yeah, that was more theft.
    BTW, if you haven’t read Bastiat’s The Law I highly recommend. Written around 1850, when France was pushing socialism and he was pushing back, nothing has changed.

  2. PHenry AT 3:43 PM
    “Not only that, I pick up old editions from the recycle bin at the public library. I start fires in my fireplace with them.

    Only thing it’s good for.”

    ..don’t forget bird cages…


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