WaPo Tries to Poison Pumpkin Spice – IOTW Report

WaPo Tries to Poison Pumpkin Spice

Fox News

The report titled “Fall’s favorite spice blend has a violent history” set the scene of the Dutch’s 1621 invasion of the Banda Islands (located in modern day Indonesia), detailing that “Thousands were killed, others enslaved, and many who fled to the mountains were starved out.”

University of Texas at Austin historian Adam Clulow told The Post, “The Dutch company was later accused of carrying out what some describe as the first instance of corporate genocide. . . . And it was all for nutmeg.” The report notes that nutmeg is “one of three key spices in the blend known as pumpkin spice.” More

17 Comments on WaPo Tries to Poison Pumpkin Spice

  1. Whenever there was mwealth to be had back then, death and destruction was the norm.

    Now, death and destruction seems to only be associated with corrupt government.

  2. “. . . . And it was all for nutmeg.”

    Reminds me of getting a question wrong back in 5th grade. (yeah, we learn more from our mistakes)

    The fact that the Europeans went around the globe to bring back spices to give their food more flavor seemed petty and wrong when I was 10.

    The fact it was a powerful force for profit was beyond my comprehension at the time.

    Yes. Totally believable this happened for that reason.

  3. I should have added: To make something political out of it today is disgusting on it’s own level.

    Cheap, irrelevant, virtue posturing, shots.

    (yeah, I still miss the edit feature)

  4. The basis of “Lord Jim” was pepper.
    Wasn’t it Indonesians who ate that Rockefeller boy? And that wasn’t in 1621!
    Sposed to shed a tear over a bunch of cannibals? No chance of that.
    History’s full of bad shit – anyone who is stupid enough to believe in some sort of ancient “utopia” and/or “noble savage” bullshit should buy that bridge I have for sale up in New York City.
    Selective citations can make any culture appear pernicious.
    Read Herodotus, for pity’s sake!
    Or the “Thirty Years’ War” – and there ain’t no “noble savages” being mutilated and murdered, either – just happy krauts.

    This kind of thing raises the indignation of the profoundly ignorant.
    (who, of course, read the WaPo – or, at least, look at the pictures)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Nathanial’s Nutmeg. A book, talks about the nutmeg trade and the nutmeg wars. An exposition of historical records in readable form. True? What, at this point, does that even mean? Yes , I will stipulate all the horrible things happened. Just like provoking a (so far) minor war with Russia using Ukrainian men, women and children as cannon fodder. Sort of a ‘today happened’ kind of thing.

    So, take your moral posturing and preening and pipe them directly up your posterior sphincter, leave them to fester for a few weeks, then drop dead!

    To paraphrase the Teutonic Titwillow, I’m tired. Of you all with the virtue bullshit.


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