WaPo: U.S. Allies Can’t Wait for Obama to be Gone – IOTW Report

WaPo: U.S. Allies Can’t Wait for Obama to be Gone


Diogenes’ Middle Finger—

Cain TV:

If you can think back this far, the U.S. populace was down on George W. Bush this time eight years ago in part because he supposedly had alienated our allies by being a go-it-alone cowboy. The remedy for this was to elect the cool guy who gave speeches about how we all have to listen to each other and all that sort of thing.

We did find out, did we not, that there is a huge difference between saying something in a speech and actually doing it?  read more

8 Comments on WaPo: U.S. Allies Can’t Wait for Obama to be Gone

  1. US allies, hell! America can hardly wait. Even the unbelievable Trump is considered better!

    Gads, consider; crooked Clinton or commie Sanders are the best the dems have to offer and that race is so biased for the crook. Dems pull from the depths of hell.

  2. They sure stood in line to suck his ass 8 years ago …

    Sorta like being all hot for a girl and discovering she has balls.

    I’d imagine … not often … actually, never have.

    (saw it in a “Crocodile Dundee” movie)

    izlamo delenda est …

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