WaPo’s “Conservative” Blogger Under Fire After Calling Black Virginia Lieutenant Governor ‘Eloquent’ – IOTW Report

WaPo’s “Conservative” Blogger Under Fire After Calling Black Virginia Lieutenant Governor ‘Eloquent’

DC: A Washington Post blogger has come under heavy criticism after tweeting a call for Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to be replaced by the state’s lieutenant governor, a “dynamic, eloquent African American.”

Jennifer Rubin, whose Twitter profile identifies her as a “conservative blogger” for the outlet, issued a call for Democrats to “move Northam out” after a racist picture from the Virginia governor’s 1984 medical school days came to light so he could be replaced by Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax. However, it wasn’t the call itself that got Rubin in hot water, but rather her description of Fairfax.

“Dems need to move Northam out ASAP,” Rubin tweeted. “Lt. Gov is dynamic, eloquent African American. Every hour or day that goes by makes the whole thing worse.”  more here

14 Comments on WaPo’s “Conservative” Blogger Under Fire After Calling Black Virginia Lieutenant Governor ‘Eloquent’

  1. I doubt she did anything more than write hastily and not go back to read what she wrote. If course, that’s irrelevant…Burn Her!

    Think how different the situation would be if she had written:

    Lt. Gov is a dynamic, eloquent man, and is African American.

  2. It’s not like she said “you got a mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy….” did she.

    Two face fu@ks!

  3. Whale oil beef hooked!
    Remember when Senator Harry Reid, Democrat/Navada said of Barack Obama:
    “He’s a light skinned African American, with no Negro dialect,

    unless he wanted to have one,”? Remember that?
    And when Joe Biden said of Barack, “You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking. I mean ,that’s a storybook, man.”

  4. I’ll repeat myself:

    I don’t care how she gets got.

    This ain’t pattycake. Whether it’s her, or Dave Weigel or any of the other fake conservative shitmonkeys they payroll to play psych warfare or narrative formation.

    The Kasich wing of the Republicrat plane needs to crash down in a field outside of McLean, VA.

  5. Jennifer Rubin is just as much an anti Trumper as George Will, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Eric Erickson National Review, The new York Times, The Wapo, CNN, NBC, CBS, The Irish Times, Irish Central, The BBC, Pravda, Elie Mag, Oprah Mag, Glamour, People Mag.
    Rolling Stones, and there so many more , I just don’t have the time.
    I should add The View, and . at times, FOX News, but if that man, our President, just got a smidgen of support from these scumbags
    we would be in good shape. Keep going Mr. President. MAGA
    Send him an attaboy:
    whitehouse.gov/contact. Only takes a minute. He needs our support.

  6. I stilll don’t get it, I even checked the URBAN Dictionary’ and it was complementary. I do not think we are up to the level of 1984, I think we are stuck at Animal Farm.

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