Wapo’s Super Bowl Commercial Gets a Makeover – IOTW Report

Wapo’s Super Bowl Commercial Gets a Makeover

11 Comments on Wapo’s Super Bowl Commercial Gets a Makeover

  1. Closing with Alex Jones turned what could have been a clever counterpoint into a bit of a joke. Too bad Carpe didn’t stick with new media journalists and only new media journalists. It would have been more effective.

  2. Sorry, too many crappy social media scripts. I run with scripting under fairly heavy control, and there’s no way I’m going to spend 10 or 15 minutes checking what I want to allow, and no way in HELL I’m going to “allow all” even temporarily. I’ll just concede it’s all certain to be entertaining.

  3. Always so ahead of the rest that he is ignored because what he reports sounds so implausible. He doesn’t report in lockstep with the rest just to be referenced. Truth is not usually what is pleasant to hear. He quickly reported on the super patriotic JEEP ad. That is where I found out about it. So who else has done it?
    Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist

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