War Fighters To “Stand Down” In Next 60 Days To Address “Extremism In The Ranks” – IOTW Report

War Fighters To “Stand Down” In Next 60 Days To Address “Extremism In The Ranks”


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said he has ordered a military-wide stand down over the next 60 days to deal with extremism in the military’s ranks after active and former military personnel participated in the mob that stormed the Capitol building last month.

“Today, I met with senior leaders to discuss extremism in the military. As a first step, I’m ordering a stand down to occur over the next 60 days so each service, each command and each unit can have a deeper conversation about this issue,” he said in a statement. “It comes down to leadership.” More

What next, a pledge of loyalty to the deep state? – Dr. Tar

41 Comments on War Fighters To “Stand Down” In Next 60 Days To Address “Extremism In The Ranks”

  1. I knew this was coming when they started purging the national guard in DC. These sick bastard’s want lunatics that will gladly fire on the citizenry if ordered to do so.

  2. I read where there are over 29,000 illegal aliens in our military. Who knows how many mudslimes, trans deviates, snowflakes and other miscreants on payroll. As some retired service people have stated, “let them out, when the TIME comes, we’ll need them in the Militia”.

  3. “Hey, we won’t let you be in the military if you aren’t a liberal Democrat. Once we have the patriotic Americans purged we will then find some place to send all of the young fellow travellers so that they can get killed for no legitimate reason because of ridiculous ROE’s.”

    How much you want to bet that if they use the military against American citizens that the ROE’s won’t be half as restrictive as they are in the never-ending war in the Middle East.

  4. I expect lots of people will bail out of the military now. Talk about inviting attack. A military full of liberals will not protect us.

    Sometime before 2050, the massive Chinese military will disable our defenses, stream right across the Pacific, and probably up from Mexico and possibly down from Alaska and Canada. The CCP already has alliances with Mexican drug cartels. The biggest pincer movement in military history.

    It will be a slaughter. A re-run of Pol Pot in Cambodia only a million times worse. I won’t be around for it, unless it happens over the next 10 years or so.

    Before that, they will take Taiwan and control SE Asia. They will do what the Japanese failed at, but will avoid Japanese mistakes.

  5. “Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue; extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth.” From Barry Goldwater’s 1964 Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention.

  6. RadioMattM
    FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 4:49 PM

    “…How much you want to bet that if they use the military against American citizens that the ROE’s won’t be half as restrictive as they are in the never-ending war in the Middle East.”

    …unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who posed zero threat to anyone on the chamber and couldn’t have gotten past the barricade she was at anyway could tell you what the firing-on-citizens ROE are if she weren’t entirely dead.

    The ROE is this: they stick a gun in your face and kill you immediately any time they want to.




    ….althogh don’t worry, if it gets reported at all, the media will grow SUCH large fangs on you that you’ll sound like a cross between a Terminator and an SS prison camp guard, slavering with hatred for innocent little AOC and armed with things that flip UP.

    …your family won’t recognize the portrait the media paints of you, any more than they’ll recognize your corpse because of the extreme gunshot damage to your face…

  7. gin blossom
    FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 5:12 PM
    “Never forget we got where we are now because of fucking republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    …it is said that the King of England kept his promise to the man who betrayed William Wallace for him to “give him as much gold as he could carry” by pouring molten gold down his throat until he died in agony. Such are traitors wages as no man can trust a traitor, even one he made, and he knew that.

    …let us hope the Democrats reward the treason of the Republicans just as handsomely…

  8. TimBuktu
    FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 4:56 PM
    “Sometime before 2050, the massive Chinese military will disable our defenses…”

    I don’t think they’ll have to lift a finger. CCP have advanced genetically rejiggered their soldiers. All it’ll take is one more WuHan Mega virus, to which their soldiers are immune, and whammo….our gender fluid, social distancing, triple masked soldiers will drop like flies.

  9. The dems are instituting completely insane directives and what do the republicans do? “What about if we only strip the citizens of half their rights? Let’s work together on this, we need bipartisanship!”

  10. “Sometime before 2050 …. ”

    Sometime a lot sooner than 2050.

    But first we’ll lose some serious engagements in the South China sea and the Taiwan straights, maybe the Mideast seaways as well. Maybe even some ground engagements in those areas.

    Then the President will order the surrender of our military when they arrive here.

    That’s why we have the civilian based militia, and the guarantee of it being armed, in the Constitution: The President cannot order the militia to stand down, it can keep fighting when the military is sold out and surrendered by a treasonous President.

    More than just stocking up on guns and such, study tactics, study the Art of War, and study the IRA and how they were able to keep fighting against an far more powerful enemy for a hundred years.

  11. The college snowflakes won’t go in military as their parents won’t let them so it won’t be them! It will be a weakened military and it’s leaders will have their work cut out for them to get troops to follow any orders let alone their sick ass ROE orders

  12. @Anon

    A good start would be Sun Tzu’s “The Art Of War”….I haven’t read it but it is on my radar.

    I think he said something along these lines: “When the enemy attacks, retreat, when the enemy retreats, attack.” That sounds like good advice in a guerilla war.

    I expect there are many good suggestions in his book.

  13. The affirmative action Sec’y is going to make sure all military personnel are loyal members of the Party.
    Interesting this happening at the same time Joe talks open borders and 11 Iranians got caught illegally crossing our southern border.

  14. With all the conservative patriotic types either being drummed out of the military, retiring, ETS (end of term of service (contract)), being refused to re-enlist, or just plain deserting, there’s gonna be a LOOOOT of well trained troops in all disciplines on the loose for the militias to scoop up. And I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of armament “walked out” right along with the departing troops.
    And the military remnants? what kind of troops do you think Resident Xiden will have to command? The only place there would be any internal (country) military success would be in Blue Cities.
    Time to dance?

  15. @Dadof4,

    “Likely a one question filter:

    Are you willing to shoot American citizens?”

    It won’t work like that. And it won’t be deployed all that fast. First will be “threat profiles” delivered to major commands. This will be couched in language that identifies segments of the population identified as “insurrectionists”. We’re past that now.

    There will be smaller unit commanders illustrating the danger to our nation posed by these identified separatists and the threat they pose to our national unity.

    Then the re-inforcement that National Command Authority (current political administration) has directed these domestic terrorists must be curtailed or the nation will fail.

    That’s how you get troops shooting citizens. And it will work.

  16. Yes, we all need to understand. N-words and queers have the right to riot and be celebrated. Certainly not anybody on the right.

    And you can bet your ass that mitchie approves. The guy that all republican senators hold up as their leader.

  17. More likely going to be a question of are you willing to go door to door to confiscate the people’s firearms when we tell you to, of course any resistors will be shot or sent off to camp FEMA for reeducation.

  18. I propose that whites do NOT join the military from this point on.

    Let’s see how THAT goes…

    Yeah, more Atlas Shrugging will happen in the future at THIS rate.

    AND, imagine fighting REAL extremism in Afganistan or other hell hole right now?? And wondering about this shit from 8,000 miles away?

    Meanwhile they put a slain officer on SHOW, on ICE, in the US Capital?? Almost a MONTH after his death??

    This disgusts me.

  19. Actually, I wrote “The Art of War” for Sun Tzu.
    He and that von Clausewitz fellow kept butting heads on details so I just stepped in and wrote the damn thing and let him take the credit.

    Heaven knows I have enough plaudits!

  20. @ Lowell FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 6:40 PM

    You’re drawing an outline of how. Looks like a workable plan.

    But you need people willing to shoot American citizens to go through with it.

    Bottom line stuff. An actual oath keeper wouldn’t.

    I’m concerned about the grandchildren. Everyone’s

    Pray and focus on Jesus. Keep your trust in Him no matter what. He told us it would get bad.

    One more prophecy is coming true.


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