“Warming Fire” in Alleyway Damages Seattle Art Gallery – IOTW Report

“Warming Fire” in Alleyway Damages Seattle Art Gallery

The Seattle Times

More than a hundred artworks, including works by Picasso and Rembrandt, were damaged after Davidson Galleries in Pioneer Square caught fire Friday morning.

No one was injured, but there is extensive damage to the gallery and some of the artworks, according to gallery manager Rebecca McDonald.

Seattle Fire Department investigators ruled the fire was accidental, likely caused by a warming fire that started in the alley and extended into the building, according to the department. More

15 Comments on “Warming Fire” in Alleyway Damages Seattle Art Gallery

  1. From the comments:


    “Seattle Fire Department investigators ruled the fire was accidental, likely caused by a warming fire that started in the alley and extended into the building, according to the department.”
    The other day I accidentally drove 98mph in a school zone. No harm no foul. It happens.

  2. The Germans and the Brits keep priceless historic relics and art that belong to countries all over the world on the pretext that those nations aren’t capable of managing said assets: Think the Berlin museums Greek collection or the British Egypt collection. Should Seattle be forcibly divested of the assets that, as a third-world city they have proven incapable of maintaining?

  3. Lemme see: Expose valuable paintings to loss by a bum fire in the alley? Oh, sure, why not? Isn’t this what insurance is for? Pretty sure Lloyd’s of London is only going to say ‘darn.’

  4. Notice how the fire just “started?”

    I am tellin you that if I had free reign I could end all of this shit yesterday:

    Pass a law that allows victims of crime or negligent act caused by “the homeless” or “undocumented immigrants” to deduct 100% of any loss from local taxes and fees until they have made full recovery. That includes vehicle crashes involving uninsured Democrat pet constituencies.

  5. “Yes, we have insurance…”

    “But some of the other artworks had already been moved off-site last week, she added. “That was lucky.””

    “…telling The Seattle Times he was planning on selling the gallery.”

    “…the gallery would be moving into a new building nearby.”

    …None of these are damning things in and of themselves, but in fire investigations each one begs for closer scrutiny.

    “Yes, we have insurance…”
    That’s nice and sensible you had insurance, for example. But have you had it awhile, or just get it? Any sudden recent increases? Art value is a hard thing to quantify, pretty easy to make stuff up to suit your needs, ask Hunter Biden how THAT works as you look hard and long at WHO I’d doing the loss valuation and where those numbers come from.

    “But some of the other artworks had already been moved off-site last week, she added. “That was lucky.””

    …one of the things you notice when mysterious fires happen is whether someone “luckily” had all their precious personal items luckily somewhere else when the fire happened. In an unplanned fire your favorite things, nicest dresses, jewelry, and baby photos are typically still there if you weren’t expecting it, and gone if you were. If I’m turning the ashes in your former bedroom and there’s nothing but air and a burnt pair of jeans in your closet, I’m kinda curious how you knew to get the GOOD stuff out beforehand. Almost like you were expecting it, or something…

    “…telling The Seattle Times he was planning on selling the gallery.”

    …again, in and of itself maybe nothing, but if I look harder, will I found you WANTED to move, or were on the edge of eviction? Did you have good relations with your erstwhile landlord, or did you say some stuff about how you hoped his place would burn? Were you behind on the rent, had you tore the building up? Am I gonna find the copper was stolen BEFORE the place “caught fire”? I never put out a fire in an art gallery but I DID see some situations where an accelerant was used in some edgy tenant situations, just sayin’….

    “…the gallery would be moving into a new building nearby.”

    …that’s nice. Were you able to pay that up front, or was it lucky the fire insurance came in before the check bounced? And going the other way, was the guy running the building you’re leaving bitter and did he say he’d make you pay? You gotta get under the surface and find out timelines and such to see what may be up beyond just “some homeless dude tried to keep warm”…

    …look, it may well all be legit. Seattle after all. But having seen where fire investigations have gone before, there’s enough question marks here that I’d want to look a bit closer at things to be sure, and maybe see if those rolled-up burnt canvases you have piled up on the trolly actually had paint on them or if that’s just the story you’re telling your adjuster, juuuust to be sure…

  6. If the gallery is looking to move I hope it’s out of downtown Seattle for Pete’s sake.

    We’ve had temps in the single digits. Portland OR had snow and blizzard conditions. Will this drive the homeless back down to California? Asking for a friend.


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