WARNING: Don’t Ever Try to Out-Troll the Master – by Sebastian Gorka – IOTW Report

WARNING: Don’t Ever Try to Out-Troll the Master – by Sebastian Gorka


“Please tell the president to stop it with the tweets!”

If I had a dollar for every time a nominal conservative makes this plea to me in person, well let’s just say I’d have lots of dollars. My response is, however, always the same: “If not for rare truth-tellers like Sean Hannity and candidate Donald Trump’s Twitter feed, Hillary Rodham Clinton would now be the president.”

The overwhelming majority of the “mainstream” media is indeed fake news and “the enemy of the people,” and social media is how Mr. Trump vaulted over their misrepresentations and outright lies to speak directly to the electorate to become President Trump.

Baltimore, like any large city that has been run by the Democrats for generations, is a hell-hole, with disproportionately high rates of poverty, corruption, and crime. But how many people were talking about the realities of living in such a Dantean Democrat Disaster zone? How often has the plight of such ghettoized Leftist swamps become a national issue for days on end in such a way that the corruption and malfeasance of those truly responsible–such as Elijah Cummings–became the focus of attention? You see how this works?

President Trump doesn’t simply speak bluntly about problems that need to be fixed, be it China’s economic warfare against America and the West, the need to crush ISIS, or the modern political plantations of dependency the Democrats have created across the nation. He isn’t just the Master of the Deal, he is the Master of Modern Media, the martial arts master of the Art of Twitter Ju-Jitsu.


8 Comments on WARNING: Don’t Ever Try to Out-Troll the Master – by Sebastian Gorka

  1. I like it … ‘Dantean DemocRat Disaster Zone’

    … somebody needs to design a sign for all these D’rat craphole …
    ‘WARNING – You Are About to Enter a Designated DDZ’ … or something

  2. Donald Trump really is a genius – and in many different things.

    The world ‘genius’ is often bandied about without merit, but in the case of this man, his record speaks for him.

  3. I too, am frequently hearing squishy “conservatives” telling me that PDJT needs to stop with the twitter thing…. I tell them ALL to go back and revisit all of his tweets and come back and tell me that they are not strategic genius.. None have mentioned it again.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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