Warning: Graphic – Latino couple in Chicago displaying Puerto Rican Flag is pulled out of car and executed – IOTW Report

Warning: Graphic – Latino couple in Chicago displaying Puerto Rican Flag is pulled out of car and executed


HT. Brad

It’s a “gun problem” not a people problem.

(I could own 10,000 guns and I would never do what this sub-human did.)

44 Comments on Warning: Graphic – Latino couple in Chicago displaying Puerto Rican Flag is pulled out of car and executed

  1. Stereotype. Such a bad word. How about statistical probability.
    If I encounter more than two of them, with their pants at the base of the cheeks of their asses, I’m poking holes. And Statistical Probability will be my defense.

  2. Without knowing the exact location it’s still Chicago. And my son and his wife were in there today for father-in-law “Father’s Day” celebration at fancy restaurant. Just got off the phone confirming that they’re almost home cause anywhere in the city this can happen. Used to be some areas were somewhat safe, but NO MORE…

    Get low grade stomach problems every time they go in there. “We’re going to a good area.” They just don’t get it… I was carrying when he graduated from med school and they probably thought I crazy for doing that. STAY IN WI KIDS!

    Oh, it’ll never happen to us, until it does…

    Will stop here without the rant I’d like to go into… Let’s go to Soldier’s Field for a football game…

  3. See what the Commie Democrat Party has done to this country.

    I hope the Puerto Rican community retaliates.
    Until we have some accountability no one will be punished.

    Odumbo you and your ilk have Puerto Rican blood on your hands.

  4. @Mary Hatch: The welfare system raised them. This is the result of handing out free stuff. No daddy at home, mamma keeps popping them out to keep the system going, and no one cares. Seeing criminals roam free is what has caused me to be wary of certain races. You know it’s true.

  5. “The Shooter Thought”. No, no he didn’t. The entire African Hunting party did not think. That’s the problem. They’re incapable of a logical thought process. Yea that’s right, they are simplistic animals.And they need to be put down.

  6. Well, well.

    Welcome to the party Brad.

    In the last 40 years I’ve lived in small towns that are nearly 100% non black. Have never experienced an assault, home invasion, pretty much no petty crime of any kind, no public displays of idiocy, no car jackings…in short a fairly peaceful existence.

    I don’t want them living where I live. Period. If that means I’ll miss the merits of the 1 out of 40 blacks that are decent, so fucking be it.

  7. Obama sure has a lot of sons that look just like him. He has kids in every city in this country but especially in Lori Lightfoot’s aka Beetlejuice’s Chicago.

  8. FYI you can legally carry a dry fire extinguisher in your car or home. Not that it would have saved anyone in this BS. They have a fare range and will slow an attacker down, and can be used as a bat when empty. Also low priced and available at most hardware stores. Be prepared for a holes.


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