*Warning – Nudity – IOTW Report

*Warning – Nudity

So, who knows why I am posting this?

34 Comments on *Warning – Nudity

  1. I’m thinking football analogy. You got teased into thinking the Bills were legit, and reality hits you like a bullet in the brain pan. But hey, at least they put up a fight, unlike those dogs in Dallas or Philly.

  2. uh … judging by the comments on u-goob, people today think this is some sort of cinematic masterpiece?

    … which exploits wymyn! …. in today’s ‘enlightenment’

    or, it’s some sort of a fantasy of a male lover of Harvey Weinstein’s & he can’t stand Harvey’s grooving w/ exploited wymyn … I’m at a loss, but I did note the Donald Trump curtains … does that count?

    btw, my psychotherapist called & said leave this one alone

  3. crap … a football analogy …. haven’t watched NFL since Brady Stuper Bowl win #7

    was hoping the Bills went to the Stuper Bowl & lose ONE MORE TIME!!!!

    now, that would be freakin’ hilarious

  4. Sapper Chris

    Exactly. But only for medical reasons yah understand. Sorry you didn’t get laid BFH. I guess the peeps here that were saying you’re married were right. LOL. Me too.

  5. A sublime juxtaposition of the Yin/Yang expressed through the lens of the Tao de Ching.

    As Lao Tsu so profoundly remarked: “Ah so … titties! The bridges to the Tao!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. They should have known, but it’s Hollywood so they’re proud of their ignorance, that a .25 caliber is too anemic to go all the way through a skull, brain, and exit again through bone. I’ve seen one bounce off a windshield. It has very modest terminal ballistics, less than a .22 rimfire. The wound that Bass received would have come from a high velocity hollowpoint, something like a .357 magnum or maybe even larger. Hollywood.


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