‘WARPLANES’ flying over Syria amid fears ‘US airstrike IMMINENT’ – IOTW Report

‘WARPLANES’ flying over Syria amid fears ‘US airstrike IMMINENT’

Express – There are multiple reports of coalition aircraft in the air over Iraq and Jordan, heading towards Syria.

There is also news of airstrikes in the Idib Province and Russian planes in the air – although these reports are unconfirmed so far.

Fox News has also announced “imminent action” on live TV.

Geopolitical and security analyst Michael A. Horowitz said: “Russian warplanes are still in the air according to pro-opposition sources reporting airstrikes in the Idlib Province.”

There are also reports that civilian aircraft have been requested to alter their routes in Syria.

A journalist on the ground said: “Heavy flight of US & coalition aircraft over the Syria – Iraq border at present.

“Almost everyone I know in Damascus is up and waiting for news on possible US strikes, you can cut the tension with a knife.”

Another said: “Coalition jets soaring the skies in large Deir-Ez-Zor desert.”

ht/ all too much

16 Comments on ‘WARPLANES’ flying over Syria amid fears ‘US airstrike IMMINENT’

  1. I hope we are not involved. The deep state, the media, Isreal, there are a number of entities that want us in a war, or at least staying in Syria. Why the hell would Assad gas his own people right after we announce our intention to clear out? Makes no sense.

  2. Sounds like we have planes in the air. Sounds like the Ruskies have planes in the air. Seems like an unusual move. Not sure I’m trusting the reports. If it is true lets hope they are F18s and not those damn F35s.


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