Warren Beatty’s Steve Harvey Moment At Oscars – IOTW Report

Warren Beatty’s Steve Harvey Moment At Oscars

Update – The picture which won was a “black film.” Prepare yourself for cries of some sort of “ism” or “ist” that led to the Best Picture snafu.


The best picture was awarded to some snoozefest called La La Land by presenter Warren Beatty. It was reported on the news. –>

The producers ran out then came forward and said Beatty made a mistake.

The best picture was another snoozefest (I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in 4 years, I assume they all suck) called Moonlight, and the correct people were brought up on the stage to receive a jelly finger in their a$$es as part of the millionaire circle-jerk.

Hillary has demanded a recount.

Jill Stein has a Go Fund Me page set up.


46 Comments on Warren Beatty’s Steve Harvey Moment At Oscars

  1. “why cant we give these out to everybody?”

    what a fookin’ idiot. These people are insufferable. And i am glad, you hear me, i said GLAD they fooked up. Cant even give away prizes correctly, and they want to run OUR WORLD????? GTH NOW.

  2. “… and the correct people or brought up on stage to receive a jelly finger in their a$$es….”

    Oh, dear, this does put some horrendous visuals in my head. Where’s the mind bleach?

  3. I think the Adult Video Awards in Las Vegas really draw a better clientele. I mean, at least the Adult Video folks admit to what they do….

    I just deleted two whole sentences full of puns, double ententes and outright crude humor.

    I must be mellowing…..

  4. WHAT? The guy can’t READ the card? ‘It said Emma Stone and LALALAND’? I know, I know, don’t try to make sense of liberal lies.

    I don’t watch that crap, but I love these types of mistakes(?) when the puppet masters’ strings break. The wizards of fake can’t even fake their way out of exposure to the sun.

  5. Baetty msy be a bit senile or it was wishful thinking especially after a night of Oscars Reparations Awards to make up for 2016.
    Hollyweird is insufferable. Even a old sleaze like Beatty subconciously knew the fix was in for mostly minorities winning Oscars this year.

  6. The only movie ive seen this year that was nominated was Zootopia and Arrival. No clue about any others.

    I went to the Daily Mail to see the red carpet dresses.

    We turned it on to see the last awards while we had dinner. Warren and Faye did their bits and I told Mr. Illustr8r that the Academy was going to tighten the age requirements for presenters …. and blammo! Everything went topsy turvy!

  7. I’m gleeful that the stupid stars’ anti-Trump comments were blown completely out of the headlines by the Best Pic gaffe. It’s almost as though Trump actually arranged it…

    (No, I don’t think so, but it is a cute thought!)

  8. Brilliant – Nice to see this.

    HEY HOLLYWOOD – why don’t you all get an Oscar? You force your participation crap on everyone shouldn’t you also give an Oscar to everyone who participated?

    We all got O-Scars over the last 8 years because of your mindless drivel.

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