Warren, Michigan Mayor Jim Founts Is a Sleaze – IOTW Report

Warren, Michigan Mayor Jim Founts Is a Sleaze

This guy reminds me of Harry Reid.

He was a Republican, now an Independent, and is a total sleaze.

Before we get to his latest controversy, here was one from a few years ago.

Watch as this ahole says a video of him walking down the street holding hands with his assistant was “taken out of context.”

Then there was the audio of Fouts talking about “retarded” people and how they should be euthanized.

Now he’s talking about n*gg*rsĀ and old women as useless dried up old c*nts. He says the tape is fake.

He says it’s not him in the exact same voice as that “other guy” on the tape.

15 Comments on Warren, Michigan Mayor Jim Founts Is a Sleaze

  1. Check receipts. Check vouchers. Check the paper trail. This goober is lying as sure as the sun rises in the east. If his memory is as bad as he claims it is, he needs to step down due to dementia.

  2. WTH is wrong w/voters in Warren? Asleep or complicit? This maggot’s a real beaut.
    @I….. You can try to spin the audio’s, fair game, but any duty of responsibility went out the window with the first vid.

  3. Hackle’s Daddy was convicted of raping his female deputy asst. while he was Macomb County Sheriff and they were attending a Sheriff’s Convention.
    Macomb County at present is involved in some big bribery cases, And it always attracts the big boys and garbage hauling.
    Macomb County stays quiet for a couple of years and then Bada Bing, Bada Boom, BAZINGA!..

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