Warren Staffers Let Reporter Know They’re Not Happy With Politico’s Coverage – IOTW Report

Warren Staffers Let Reporter Know They’re Not Happy With Politico’s Coverage

Washington Examiner

A multitude of former staffers for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign lambasted a reporter on social media following her withdrawal from the race.

Alex Thompson, a Politico reporter who covered the Warren campaign, tweeted out screenshots of tweets from former staffers bashing him on Saturday morning. “

Some Warren campaign staffers don’t have a good understanding of campaign journalism,” he captioned the post. “Not my job to ‘actively support the candidate that you were assigned’ It is my job to contact as many ppl as possible rather than just rely on what the campaign wants to give me.”

One staffer accused him of “DMing every young staffer” in order to get “click bait & sensationalized stories,” while someone else told him to “eat shit.” More

8 Comments on Warren Staffers Let Reporter Know They’re Not Happy With Politico’s Coverage

  1. When the US was a free country, Americans could be kind, honest, and trusting, but living in a police state changes you.

    No one wants to give to charities anymore because everybody is forced at gunpoint to pay high taxes that fund welfare.

    No one trusts anyone because of wiretapping and you don’t when someone works for the secret police.

    Everything is illegal, but there is no of rule of law. The government can’t arrest everyone because there are not enough prisons and no one calls the police. People in police states must lie, bribe, and look for loopholes to do anything. Men might dress as Muslim females to escape surveillance and change their gender on their driver licenses.

    Nobody has morals because there are no churches.

    No one respects property because the state owns everything.

    In a police state, your success belongs to the state and you can’t criticize the government. In a free country, your success is yours and you can criticize the government.

    No one gets married because females marry the state instead of a man.

    No one has children because what kind of life is this?


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