Was anyone ever assaulted for wearing a Hope and Change hat? – IOTW Report

Was anyone ever assaulted for wearing a Hope and Change hat?

16 year-old assaulted by “Green Party” member for wearing a MAGA hat. He’s been identified and doxxed.

more HT–> Hot Salsa

video ht/ christian pdx


33 Comments on Was anyone ever assaulted for wearing a Hope and Change hat?

  1. Say, remember after the election when Muslim women kept claiming that “men in MAGA hats” were taunting them and ripping off their hijabs?

    The outrage level for what inevitably turned out to be false police reports was at Spinal Tap 11. We were lectured day in and day out about the “hate” Trump was unleashing on the country.

    But the only video evidence we ever see is some shitbird attacking people in MAGA hats.

    Oddly enough, nobody seems to give a crap.

  2. This is what tolerance and love looks like.
    From the same people who say, “Shame on me“???
    With their big open heart that will stomp all over Americans just to virtue signal 2000 lost illegals in the desert.

    Triggered with one word: WINNING.

  3. Notice how the taco bender targeted a sixteen year old who he knew couldn’t be armed due to his age. He was wise not to try that with most Texans as we are probably packing heat and wouldn’t put up with being robbed and assaulted. I know I wouldn’t.

  4. They are always so insufferably self-righteous, and yet…

    16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    Proverbs 6:16-19

    Now look at that loser’s profile Czar linked above. Between that and the video, every one of these fit.

  5. This is Kino Ahuitztol Jimenez of XXXXXXXXX San Antonio XXXX XXXXXX. He likes to bully teenagers who support President Trump. He’s been fired from his job since this bullying took place. His phone number is XXXXXXXXX.

    If you’re inclined to find out who he is in order to exact revenge the info is available online. -bfh

  6. Family members flying to Portland today to drive out to coast to visit another family member were warned vigorously several times not to wear anything related to MAGA because of potential physical attack.

  7. Kino appears to be a very brave, bad-ass…….. (sarc/off) What a scrunt! I cannot believe the devolution taking place in the USA today and for the last umpteen years. That kind of behavior is worthy of a constabulary visit if not an immediate pistol whipping!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. He was really “brave” to assault an unarmed teen (sarcasm). I’m not big, but I am armed and well trained in martial arts and would not hesitate to shoot him if attacked. He can take his Green Party views to the grave.

    He MUST face criminal charges for justice to be done.

  9. I am sure that would have been the lead news story if someone wearing a Hopey Changy hat were assaulted so i doubt that happened. But it should have!

  10. Out: Being angry when BuzzFeed outed Pam Geller’s daughters and sent a rage mob after them because they hate Pam’s politics.

    In: Posting some drink-tossing dick’s address and phone number to send a rage mob after him because you hate his politics.

  11. I don’t remember anyone attacking a “Hope & Change” hat wearer but I sure remember laughing at lots of them. Same with “BLM” and “I can’t breath” shirt wearers.

  12. i cannot wait to read about some armed citizen wearing a MAGA hat just to lure some sucker into that kind of action so he can retaliate.

    just last week the msm was trying to blame Trumps calling the msm enemies of America for the newspaper mass shooting.

    now we all know to blame the msm and democrats like maxine waters for this child being assaulted, right ?

    idiots concerned about the illegal immigrant separation of children from parents that they now will attack children ?
    what’s wrong with this picture ?

  13. I don’t host doxxing info purely because I don’t want to be sued, not because of any moral reason.
    I find the comparison to being someone’s kid leading to a doxxing equivalent to being a public bully who assaults minors for supporting the president leading to a doxxing to be utterly ridiculous.


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