Was Biden Ever Right About Anything? – IOTW Report

Was Biden Ever Right About Anything?

Flash back to 1997. Russians to Biden: “relentless NATO expansion will force Russia to look to China.” Biden: “Good Luck.”

13 Comments on Was Biden Ever Right About Anything?

  1. Was Biden Ever Right About Anything?

    Yes, at least from his own perspective: Choosing Garland for AG has worked out well for him and his handlers.

    Also, picking Rocky Road ice cream. The name fits him.

  2. I cannot wait until Biden’s name is never uttered again. This shitstain needs to be defeated and his body be buried in the County of Delaware.

    Oh sorry. Is Delaware an actual state? I’ve seen bigger counties.

  3. As an elected official he’s NEVER been right about one damn thing on behalf of the American tax payer. Ever. Pretty freaken amazing when you realize how long he’s been on the fed payroll.

  4. Former SecDef Robert Gates nailed it a decade ago:

    “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,”

  5. Wikipedia:
    Joe Biden, at the orders of global criminals under the direction of Barry Soetoro has destroyed the USA. Republicans fought among themselves to argue the points of a strongly worded letter

  6. Biden does what he’s paid to do. The treasonous creep is bribed by so many people, entities and governments that he doesn’t know which way he’s turning day to day. He should be turning – swinging, actually – from a gallows.

  7. Right? Who ever said this is about being right? Safe time, quiet time, nap time, diaper change time, meds time.
    Manic depression time, well that was the Former Guy along with real/not real time. After over 33 thousand fake claims, there were no more questions to ask.

  8. He was “right” about hitching his wagon to the treason/corruption locomotive.

    Enriched his entire family and suffered NO consequences.
    Amoral piece of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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