Was Hunter Biden Banging Sec. Blinken’s Wife? – IOTW Report

Was Hunter Biden Banging Sec. Blinken’s Wife?


OMG: Hunter Biden was banging @SecBlinken’s wife while he was running election interference with the fake laptop, former intelligence official memo.

26 Comments on Was Hunter Biden Banging Sec. Blinken’s Wife?

  1. A completely dishonest, irresponsible, no morals, scruples or shame just like his old man! There is nothing off limits to this filthy shitbag… for instance screwing his brother’s widow… like that wasn’t crossing a line!! I always said the road apple doesn’t fall far from the horse’s ass and here’s more proof!

  2. C’mon man! That boy is a disappointment! I taught him to bang the CHILDREN of my flunkies, not ADULTS!

    Not a joke, I’m going to take that boy and jbaningl…butgl…you know, the thing!

  3. BOINK! BOINK! BOINK! Who or what hasn’t joey or Hunter boinked and then abandoned to go onto their next intended one-night stand. What is it with democraps like the Kennedy’s, Clinton’s, Bidens etc. that they’re so obsessed with sex. SEX, SEX, SEX, it’s always about power and sex. I’m sick of these of these bastards and their sexual peccadillos. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we had at least one politician, actor etc. etc. to not be fucking everything that moves either male or female. the motto of the lost 60’s and 70’s generation was “If it feels good, screw it.”

  4. And Senator Marco Rubio just said out loud on Fox News that he is an analyst of young childrens hip structures in order to determine their suitability for certain athletic tasks. Not kidding.

  5. If you paid attention to just how worthless Blinken is, it wouldn’t surprise you. And this nitwit stumbles all over the planet representing the totally laughable US depts of Def and State.
    He makes drunken hag Hillary look like a high point in this century’s US foreign policy.

  6. she might have just been trying to score (or sell) some crack
    hunter is probably the first person someone in dc thinks of when it comes to getting drugs, Or debauchery.
    jill must be so proud of having raised him. she taught him everything he knows. That’s how she got her start.
    Betcha the chinese knew about whatever is oing on here, for far longer than most of us. They loves them their blackmail.

  7. “And then there was JFK whose old man took him to a whorehouse when he was a young man to learn about sex.”

    The word was that the old man took JFK to his sister’s room to learn about sex.
    They were all banging her – that’s why the old man had her lobotomized.
    At least, that’s the word …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Dan Ryan Galt: Old Hollywood had a term for it. I’m not sure but I think it might have been Lavender or Pink Marriage. Charles Laughton and Elsa Lanchester was such a marriage. He was as gay as could be but he married her to cover the tracks (I do ‘t recall if she was gay or not).

    There were marriages where both were gay and the marriage gave them both cover.

    Katherine Hepburn was not married but her “affair” with Spence Tracy was like how the British used the radar in WWII: it was supposed to be a secret but it’s real job was to give cover of how the RAF was able to intercept German bombing raids that were really exposed by the Enigma machine.

  9. @Ed357

    Why not?
    “Minority Report”
    “A Scanner Darkly”
    and pretty soon “Terminator”
    Have all moved from the fiction shelves, to the documentary section.

  10. Speaking of knotholes, I once laughed my ass off listening to G Gordon Liddy’s radio program when I heard him talking about a guy who got caught with his pecker inside a pumpkin banging away at a picnic bench in a public park. You never knew what you were going to hear on the G Man’s program and that was one of the most bizarre as well as funniest.


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