The individual who walked into Joel Osteen’s Lakewood, Texas church on Sunday, pulled out a gun and opened fire, has been identified as Genesse Ivonne Moreno, 36. Moreno, wearing a trenchcoat, opened fire when entering the church along with a 5-year old child.

Local news reports that multiple sources have said that Genesse Ivonne Moreno is suspected of being the “armed woman” who was killed at the church Sunday.Reports indicated that the shooter was female, but Moreno may have been male. Moreno was shot and killed by two off-duty officers. Moreno’s weapon was emblazoned with the slogan “Free Palestine.”
Better check the plumbing… might be a man dressed as a woman these days!!
We will never know if the shooter was a tranny, although at least one Witness identified the shooter as a man. But CNN was quick to identify the weapon as an AR15.
“Ethnicity: white, non-hispanic.” ???????
Weapon emblazoned with “Free Palestine”
CNN– Not sure if it was “political”
The stupidity of the media is astounding, but then again; “This is CNN”
5’5″ and 190Lbs… she sure wuz eating well!
The officer that hit the kid is in no way responsible since she was using a kid as a shield… kinda goes with the whole “Free Palestine” mentality.
Once again, it’s mental illness and not the fault of guns.
^^^ As I’ve said many times before, we don’t have a gun problem in this country.
We have a culture problem!
Let see,
Sex: Female. Wrong
Race: White Wrong
Ethnicity: Non Hispanic Wrong
Why should we trust a damn thing the Government tell us? And to think, this entire shot show we’re living started with a faked Hawaiian birth certificate. Fundamental change you can believe in.
Tony R – how do we know that CNN didn’t “mis-caliber” that gun? Do we know what IT identified as??
If the Left wasn’t fighting so hard to celebrate ‘transgender’ they might allow people like this guy to get counseling instead of free hormone blockers and surgery. And then he just might not shoot up places out of frustration at not getting the help he needs.
Everything the Left does escalates the problem. And then they point and scream at us for trying to fix it.
Trannies are mentally ill. Period.
That was no lady, that was my wife!
Watch and see. The proposed legislation that will come from this will make all places of worship gun free zones.
Brad, you’re probably right.
They hate the good guys with guns because it ruins their narrative.
I smell Antifa.
^^^^^ An ammonia capsule might do the trick, Tim.
@Outdoor you-know-who, nah, the stinks too bad. The only cure is a deep hole covered with dirt.
This should go down the memory hole pretty damn quickly for the following reasons.
– The shooter was a tranny scumbag and likely an illegal alien.
– The victims were Christian and mostly white.
Watch for the usual scumbag democrats to make this all about guns and victim blaming. Those cunts always take that tack like clockwork when one of their own does a mass shooting.
If these violent deviants loathe themselves so deeply, they should kill themselves rather than murder strangers.
It’s been released that he/it was a transgender Bernie Sanders supporter.
“If these violent deviants loathe themselves so deeply, they should kill themselves rather than murder strangers.”
Or bring in 5 year olds to hide behind. Thank God the security guys had the balls not to hesitate and pull the trigger. Imagine all the 5 year olds that were in the congregation. It would be interesting to find out who’s kid that was.
Looks like a male to me. These days it’s hard to tell the difference. Mental illness doesn’t care if you’re male or female, all that matters is that the perp is dead. Happened at the Church of Ill Repute aka Joel Olsteen.
i-slime IS a political system
people in tx churches will defend themselves against transit/grobiden-votuhs. pedocrat lawyers, keep whining.
The irony is that in Palestine, they’d hang the guy for being a tranny.
First the Tara Jay tranny threatening to kill anyone who tries to stop it from going into a woman’s bathroom, now this violence from a tranny. Am I to equate trannies with violent unstable traits?
Ok. If I must.
“Was the Shooter at Joel Osteen’s a Woman?”
Did they check their genitalia?
Was the Shooter at Joel Osteen’s a Woman?
Dick says, “No.”
“Watch and see. The proposed legislation that will come from this will make all places of worship gun free zones.”
The churches won’t abide by it. Most churches near me have security details, with 5-10 people packing and patrolling. They will not give that up.
My church is one, and our County Sheriff sends his deputies to our training sessions. He won’t support a law like that, either.
The government is probably pissed that the off duty cops stopped their groomed and equipped shooter so fast.
Expect much more of this, especially in Texas, since they dissed the Pedo and TPTB want a gun grab anyway.
The ÇNN story prominently mentiones she “legally” purchased the AR, despite apparently lying about her criminal and mental health history. Lying about same on former 4473 means it was not a ‘legal’ purchase.
Also, this;
The search warrant for Moreno’s home said she had yellow rope similar to a detonation cord and “substances consistent with the manufacture of explosive devices.”
…Not going into details, but “substances consistent with the manufacture of explosive devices.” can be purchased in any grocery or hardware store with no intention or knowledge to make them into an explosive device; and “similar to a detonation cord” is not, definitionslly, a detonation cord so is probably just CNN hyperbole.
Also, while Joel Olsteen may or may not be mischaracterizing himself as “Christian”, to the best of my knowledge he has never presented himself as Jewish, so it’s something of a mystery as to why someone would think him a target of antisemitic ire.
This person was probably known to the FBI as they all seem to be, as they seem to have an unhealthy interest in the mentally ill.
I suspect that goes deeper in all such cases than mere “knowledge”, and that the goal here was a Las Vegas tyle shooting that just didn’t pan out as planned.
These are going to get quite common as election season continues.
You’ll see…
Confirmed this a tranny who has gone by the first name “Jeffrey”;
This demoniac more than likely just needed to be near a church, doesn’t matter how reprobate (Joel Osteen is teaching a false doctrine).
A church is an ideal place to act out a twisted contempt for God. It’s what churches represent that matter to a demon possessed nut job.
The good thing is Osteen at least understands security is a necessity and protect the church attendees.
BTW, the church is in Texas so it’s going to be difficult for the Feds to confiscate legally owned guns.
I think a high percentage of churches have their own security. Our sheriff has told me the only churches that do not in our county are the Catholic Churches. Ad I know at least one guy that packs at the local Catholic Church. Me.
That’s not going to stop some idiot politician from drafting such a law. We’ve seen it before. We can’t be having armed citizens shooting down those confused Tranies. An oh by the way preventing a mass murder. It’s mind blowing.
They won’t confiscate them. That comes later. They just don’t want yo to be able to defend yourself. Newsom just tried this. The 9th District stopped him cold. But the state is appealing.
New York state tried it too.
igotsyo 4473 swinging, dindus
Thanks for the update Brad. The left is relentless. The Second Amendment is still a main defense against tyranny.
So another woman screwed up by taking testosterone? The last thing people with severe mental illness (believing you are a gender you are NOT) is powerful hormone shots. Roid rage strikes again. But blame the gun…right?
It was going the other way. Probably taking Estrogen.
Attention seeking disorder. The whole trans thing has been used to exploit disordered individuals by promising them the ultimate in attention… but the novelty has worn off that now. Where to go from there? Well, we are seeing it with all to common repetition now.
So, did this one leave behind a tranifesto? If so don’t expect the contents to be made public any time soon. The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement hasn’t gotten all of the mileage they believe they have coming to them out of this exploitation scheme yet.
There is no common ground to be had with the fuckers who buy into the progressive worldview/political philosophy. They are the sworn enemy of The Good and it’s them or us. They must be defeated and never again tolerated or compromised with.
I wonder how many FBI Special Agents it took to groom this killer.
The latest PC I saw from the cops said she was a woman who often went by male names. The child is a boy, 7 years old and her biological son with her ex-Jewish husband. He was shot in the head. They said she was Hispanic.