Was The Story of the Hillary Plane Crash in Iran Ever Thoroughly Debunked? – IOTW Report

Was The Story of the Hillary Plane Crash in Iran Ever Thoroughly Debunked?

RedState, back in the day, linked to a EU Times report that Hillary’s concussion didn’t come from a fall in her bathroom, but from a plane crash in Iran that took the life of a Navy Seal, which was later glossed over and then investigated as a suicide. (They couldn’t not report that a Navy Seal had died, and the details behind Job W. Price’s death were murky. MilitaryFamiliesForJustice lists the death as one of suspicion.)

Purportedly this plane crash needed to be covered up because it was so covert.

If this sounds a little Coast to Coastish, or Prison Planety, so be it. I’m past the point of thinking that something regarding the Clintons is too whacky to be believed.

ht/ PageOTurner



15 Comments on Was The Story of the Hillary Plane Crash in Iran Ever Thoroughly Debunked?

  1. Well, the EU Times article also said that Obama had signed a law strengthening America’s borders against threats from Iran, so I’m going to have to remain highly skeptical.

  2. @Aleon – I’m with you. I read the EU link but noted that Red State carried the report as well.

    This plane crash had Hillary flying to an obscure airfield in Iran (where press reported I’mADinnerJacket was waiting) at the start of Obama’s nuclear talks with Iran – December, 2012.

    It’s worth a read.

  3. eutimes.net is a hoax website in league with the “godlike productions” website. I used to have a Facebook page dedicated to exposing the fact that they were just making stuff up there. This was several years ago. I’m surprised to see they still exist & even more surprised to see it getting a lot of attention again. Maybe she crashed, maybe she didn’t, but eutimes.net is fake news, or at least it was up until a few years ago when I stopped paying attention to it.

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