Was the Wendy’s Arsonist in Atlanta Rayshard Brooks’ Girlfriend – IOTW Report

Was the Wendy’s Arsonist in Atlanta Rayshard Brooks’ Girlfriend

Citizen Free Press-

Was Natalie White the girlfriend of Rayshard Brooks?

Natalie White is the name of the accused arson suspect who authorities say is responsible for the fire that destroyed the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia, where a police officer shot and killed Rayshard Brooks.

Interestingly, that’s also the name of the girl friend Brooks repeatedly told APD officers had just dropped him off that night at the Wendy’s. We’ve been unable to confirm it’s the same person. We talked to White’s mother Friday and asked whether her daughter knew Brooks. She refused to comment and ended the conversation.

ht/ hot salsa

18 Comments on Was the Wendy’s Arsonist in Atlanta Rayshard Brooks’ Girlfriend

  1. They can find her at Walmart’s any day, with 2 or 3 brownish chillens running amok, stocking up on pork rinds and diet soda and clutching her EBT card.

    Where’s my reward??

  2. …she’s a Black man’s GF, what a surprise, said no one ever…OK, maybe the direct link is news, but it was kind of a no-doubter otherwise…

    …way to celebrate your daughter’s 8th birthday there Ray, BTW, sure gives me a lot of sympathy for your publicly weeping wife…

    …you can spot her at the “protests” ’cause HER sign says BDM, for Black Dick Matters…

  3. Kinda shoots that tv narrative of….

    ….Rayshard Brooks the devoted misunderstood poor family man……and his loving heartbroken family……….

    and……Rayshard’s wife’s heartbroken sobbing on tv about what a devoted father and family man that he was….

    Tv soap opera…….an untrue fairytale.

  4. So he did have a ‘white’ girlfriend/side-bitch! The MSM is scrubbing his life just like they did with Trayvon and Mike Brown. I’ll give Brooks some credit, though. This chick is not a fuckin’ Shrek wannabe like Trayvon’s bitch.

  5. The dead Black Colored Inebriate clearly stated that Natalie White was his girlfriend, but how does he account for being passed out in the vehicle by himself. Did they have a drunken argument? Did she drive there in another car to meet up for some fast food, get in an argument and leave this loser to sleep it off? Rayshard seems to be saying that Natalie White would come pick him up if the police will just cut him some slack. If they were intimate friends, this might account for her act of arson. This won’t take long to get sorted out. Either way, Natalie White is going to have a long time to consider the true cost of her protest. These stories always have more going on than first meets the eye.

  6. Ed 357: This is heartbreaking. Simply heartbreaking. Rayshard was cheating on his Black Colored Common Law Wife with a White Colored Woman? What ever happened to Black Pride?

  7. Bumping Momma
    JUNE 20, 2020 AT 7:07 PM
    “They can find her at Walmart’s any day, with 2 or 3 brownish chillens running amok, stocking up on pork rinds and diet soda and clutching her EBT card.

    Where’s my reward??”

    …uhh, that’s 2/3rds of any given Kroger on any given day, you’re gonna have to narrow it down a bit or no soup for YOU…

    …next you’ll be saying to pick up her accomplices at Waffle House…

  8. ^^^ that’s … President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho! ^^^

    Day yum!

    President Camacho : Shit. I know shit’s bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.


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