Was there ever this kind of problem in Sweden prior to the importation of the religion of peace? – IOTW Report

Was there ever this kind of problem in Sweden prior to the importation of the religion of peace?

Of course, one is not supposed to talk about such things.

When a leftist forbids you to discuss reality, they are demanding that you dismiss it in favor of their delusions.

Many young Muslim men are bitter, angry, low IQ savages. This guy in the video is not a societal asset by any metric. None. Zero. He is of no value.

Am I interested in trying to rehabilitate him? No. That costs time and money and there are too many good people in the world that need help. Depleting resources on shitstains is not a sustainable plan.

10 Comments on Was there ever this kind of problem in Sweden prior to the importation of the religion of peace?

  1. Sweden-sensible about the Chinese flu and fucking idiots about importing 10s of 1,000s of moslims. Go figure.

    Malmo, now the rape capital of Europe.

    Don’t smirk, we’re doing the exact same thing. We’re just bigger, it’ll take a little longer. Of course that kind of behavior won’t ever happen in n central AR. EVER.

    Here in PA on the Peninsula?

  2. “….and you get an apartment.”
    Yeah. I can see that. Giving this yute an apartment. Approximately 5 1/2′ x 3′. Subterranean. Wood lining optional. That is, after I cut him down from his tree branch. “Strange Fruit”, indeed.

  3. Bless their hearts. Progressivism is all about increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is what they exist for. If she supports this shit, I have no sympathy, not even pity, indifference to what smacked her upside the head is the best I have to offer.

  4. None of these goathumpers will ever assimilate or become a productive member of society, AND they want to drag everyone else down with them. Jettison them back to whatever shithole they climbed out of.


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