Wash Post Reporter Tries To Get Vet’s Border Wall Gofundme Campaign Yanked – IOTW Report

Wash Post Reporter Tries To Get Vet’s Border Wall Gofundme Campaign Yanked

The Lid:   As we reported earlier, triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage started a GoFundMe campaign to get around the Democrats’ obstruction and raise money for President Trump’s southern border wall.  The campaign went viral and as of this writing has raised just over $11.6 million.  According to GoFundMe, this would make Kolfage’s effort the third-highest fundraiser of the year.

Apparently, this didn’t sit too well with Washington Post tech reporter Tony Romm, who reached out to GoFundMe in an apparent effort to get the campaign yanked.

“So there’s an effort on GoFundMe to raise cash money for a border wall. Has more than $5M in donations (seeking $1B) and claims to have contacts in the Trump admin (have asked for more). But it got me thinking: is that, like, allowed on the site?” he posted on Twitter.  MORE HERE

19 Comments on Wash Post Reporter Tries To Get Vet’s Border Wall Gofundme Campaign Yanked

  1. WAPO was a joke 30 years ago. It’s a leftist scumbag paper for white progressive “woke” faggots and other limp wristed scum who can’t even change a tire.

    FUCK WAPO, and FUCK leftist scum.

  2. Just for fun, someone should start a WH petition that this guy should be made to allow illegals to flop in his home, one per every 5 square feet of floor space, including hallways and garage.

  3. After making my own donation, I got curious and clicked on the “highest donors” button.

    I was a little surprised to see the name “JZ Knight” up there with a $10,000 donation.

    Looks like ole Ramtha is tired of illegals, too.

  4. A voluntary fund raiser.

    Where those who are interested can give their money, if they wish. Or not, if not.

    And a member in good standing of the Washington Post tries to abort it. Because many support it.

    See, kids? They are NOT the proudly, openly, declared enemy of the people. It’s science!

  5. Of course he and they did! And the suckwads at AOL have attempted to smear Kolfage as having a problematic online history – because their fellow travelers at Facebook have banned him for posting “right wing” thoughts.
    AOL also noted that someone is trying to raise funds on Go Fund Me to buy border wall ladders for the invaders. Naturally, the AOL scum didn’t explore that effort and its founder.
    As many here have said before – these people probably eventually will get to the point of having to be exterminated

    BTW, in case any want to send him $ directly, as we did, his address is:
    Brian Kolfage
    4833 Front Street Unit B158
    Castle Rock, CO 80104
    We sent it directly to him to avoid credit card and Go Fund Me cuts from the total.

  6. Start calling your Congress Critters and Senators as well as the WH and ask them why Amazon Inc is not being investigated as a monopoly? It ought to be broken up as it controls all facets of a purchase and merchants are effectively at their mercy as there isn’t really any meaningful competition they can go to.

  7. Remember when Barry and leftist tools virtue signaled the plight of veterans and soldiers while making the VA Admin. a death panel and turning active military personnel into sitting ducks. Well, just consider how dangerous a conservative veteran is to the Left’s hypocritical narrative. Especially now, when President Trump has increasing support of the enlisted.


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