“Washed Up Psycho” Bette Midler Thinks Someone Should “Shiv” The President – IOTW Report

“Washed Up Psycho” Bette Midler Thinks Someone Should “Shiv” The President

In but the latest tweet wishing violence on the president to her 1.5 million followers, Bette Midler suggested someone in his entourage should “gently give him a shiv.” More

The President for his part labeled Midler a “Washed Up Psycho” last evening for an earlier tweet she had to apologize for using a fake quote attributed to the commander-in-chief prior to running for office. Here

16 Comments on “Washed Up Psycho” Bette Midler Thinks Someone Should “Shiv” The President

  1. TDS is truly a mental disorder. If anyone asked Miller “why?” she hates Trump, it would be an incoherent rant summarization of basically hatred of Father figure. Trump has done NOTHING to destroy these celebrity women’s well being, yet they resist him with the intensity of an organ transplant rejection. Completely mental deranged insanity.

  2. Hollywood hates trump because he’s cutting into their pizza supply.

    Why do you think they want an open southern border?
    people and kids who can just vanish…

    pizza gate is real. and way worse than we can imagine.

  3. These nutty assholes do not realize the results to
    themselves if they get their murderous, CWII desires.
    No “Thin Blue Line” would remain once things got froggy
    and the East LA goblins would eat them alive.

  4. I’ve been around since President Eisenhower and I do not recall anyone threatening or cursing a President that was published in the papers or mentioned in the news. This, to me, is new. I’m sure there were idiots who threatened and cursed Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, Reagan- President Reagan was shot and that became the news- but otherwise outright threats, slurs, and vile comments were not “news.”
    The only way this nonsense can be stopped is if morons like DeNiro, Griffin ,Midler, Cher, Mahar, Colbert, and others who threaten our President with harm are taken to court. Let them spend a buck defending themselves.
    Yeah, I know we have Freedom of Speech here in America, the same “freedom” terrorists use to attempt to destroy us.
    What if our DOJ, FBI etc. showed as much interest in the above mentioned scumbags as they did in General Mike Flynn?
    Freedom of Speech is a God given Right, first approved in the world by the Bill of Rights to the American Constitution.
    But that is no longer studied here in America, but fervently studied by our enemies for use against us
    We are, up ’till 2016, governed by caitiffs
    You don’t believe me? How about this:
    Obama: I’ve travelled to all 57 States and I still have two to go, Alaska and Hawaii. (No problem with the media.
    Dan Quale (VP to President Bush) spelled potato wrong.
    Phucking bedlam in the Media
    Speaker of the House, Moron Nancy Pelosi, 3rd in line for the Presidency. “We have to pass the Bill so we can see what’s in it.”
    Nothing from the media.
    Then the same idiot gave us a civics lesson. Freedom of Speech, does not mean you can Cry Wolf in a crowded hall.
    I’m glad I’m on the back nine.
    God Bless President Trump I hope more people will realize the he is a gift from God. MAGA

  5. Regardless the method, threatening the President is a Federal crime…when will the same rats that trapped Flynn and raided Stone’s house in the early morning like he was a drug kingpin, give her the same consideration!


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