Washington: Fired Over Vaccine Mandates – A Teacher Speaks Out – IOTW Report

Washington: Fired Over Vaccine Mandates – A Teacher Speaks Out

IRIDA TV: Kindergarten teacher Kathy Haugland joins us to share her unpleasant experience with overzealous school administrators who ultimately fired her for refusing to participate in the Covid 19 vaccine experiment, and how she plans to move forward from here. watch

4 Comments on Washington: Fired Over Vaccine Mandates – A Teacher Speaks Out

  1. Thousands and thousands have lost jobs.
    In many different industries.
    Especially health care.
    Nursing homes and veterans’ homes are closing all over the country because of it.
    Engineers, store clerks, city workers, and on and on.
    Patients have been denied transplants and treatments, etc.

    With the new studies showing the shots are hurting people need to get back pay, a raise and their jobs back if they want them.

  2. Kindergarteners… a big, bubbling vat of diseased virus-carriers if I ever saw one!!

    There is a day of reckoning coming for all the Toadies and Little Dictator Wanna-Bees who have destroyed the lives of good, honest, hard-working, tax-paying Americans just trying to live their lives and get along!

    Hell’s coming for you!


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