Washington Free Beacon Editor Says Trump’s Tweets May Lead To His Impeachment – IOTW Report

Washington Free Beacon Editor Says Trump’s Tweets May Lead To His Impeachment

I might have to cut off the Washington Free Beacon because their editor, Matthew Continetti, is, well… here, have a look-


Twitter helped make Donald Trump president. It may also lead to his impeachment.

The president values Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as ways to bypass a hostile media and express his thoughts directly and authentically. But there is a difference between tweeting as a candidate for president and tweeting as the president. And there have been plenty of times since January when his Twitter habit has diverted President Trump from his message and agenda.

It now looks like the most consequential Tweet of his presidency to date came a few days after he fired James Comey as FBI director. At 8:26 a.m. on Friday, May 12, Trump wrote: “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”

That tweet, Comey told the Senate, prompted the now-private citizen to instruct a friend, Columbia Law professor Daniel Richman, to share with the New York Times the contents of contemporaneous memos he had written describing his interactions with the president. The article, published a week to the day Comey was fired, revealed that the president had asked the FBI director to end the criminal investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Why did Comey have Richman call the Times? Because, he told the Senate, he hoped that the disclosure of the memo would prompt the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election and possible collusion with associates of the president’s campaign. That is exactly what happened May 17, the day after the Times piece, when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named as counsel former FBI director Robert Mueller.

And though Comey would not say if he believed President Trump obstructed justice by urging him to “let go” the investigation into Flynn, he did say he was sure that Mueller would investigate whether obstruction of justice had occurred.

Obstruction of justice, of course, being something past congresses have considered a “high crime and misdemeanor” worthy of presidential impeachment.


Let’s stop right there.

This editor  is seemingly unaware that even if Trump said to Comey exactly what Comey claims Trump said, IT’S NOT OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

It is perfectly legal for the president to say to the FBI director, “I’m hoping you drop this case.”

Can I still link to a site that is fanning the flames of Trump’s impeachment based on an idiotic belief that what Trump did is an impeachable offense?

Here’s Continetti on PBS with Dave Weigel calling Trump supporters racist, homophobe, misogynist alt-righters.


27 Comments on Washington Free Beacon Editor Says Trump’s Tweets May Lead To His Impeachment

  1. Brad – I had never heard of the guy so I looked him up. Born in 1981 according to wiki so he’s mid thirties, but he doesn’t look old enough to shave. And his ill informed opinions show him to be just another brain dead never Trumper pretending to be a conservative. Why a supposedly conservative newspaper would hire such a person as the chief editor defies logic and common sense.

  2. Ah, his father-in-law is Bill Kristol. That explains a lot. I’ll continue to read the WFB each day as there is some darned good reporting there, but I will skip anything by Continetti. I think he goes on those shows trying to act older than he is and it just makes him come across as a smug nerd.

  3. Well, guess I’m done with the Free Beacon. Who knew this little snot was Bill Kristol’s son-in-law. Boy, I can just imagine the sadness at that extended-family dinner table over Trump. Losers despise winners, eh boys? May both publications wilt under the weight of the envy and pouts.

  4. Trump’s tweet came a day AFTER Comey leaked the info, thus showing Comey once again lied to Congress. No impeachment for Trump, but maybe a perjury charge for Comey?? Perhaps this editor should do some research before writing tripe.

  5. This is how the Uniparty NeoCons infiltrate and undermine any and all Patriot voices. Pure Saul Alinsky tactics.
    Which are also the tactics of a hostile Virus attackng, consuming and destroying a healthy host Cell.
    They pick a target (WFB), insert their own people posing as “conservatives”, then stealthily execute a patient Master Plan to convert the target from Patriot to Ambiguous Squish to Somewhat Left and finally Hard Left.
    Not accidental cultural drift, but a clear plan.
    We can see it with TV, national magazines, and any media.
    Bill Kristol is as much a Uniparty Leftist as Pelosi or DiBlasio or Liz Warren.
    He’s just assigned to work behind enemy lines as a saboteur. Done pretty well, too.

  6. Eff the WFB. I don’t visit or link #NeverTrump sites. Screw them. I do notice that the jerk pictured bears a striking resemblance to the derpy guy BFH often uses in graphics to represent the NeverTrump poop pickles.

  7. I stopped linking WFB for a long time because they had a bit of NRO flavor about them. Then once in a while I would find a few writers who actually had some interesting things to say without slamming Conservatives for superficial reasons. So I ran those stories. And their videos were fun during the 0bama reign- but after that was over, they got kind of stale and then the misspelling of words, the ‘where’s the rest of the story, dude???” began happening and so I had to leave them alone. Anyway, there are still a few writers there that are cool. But I won’t go out of my way to visit.

  8. Standard Neocon infiltration.
    And as Senior Editor, he’ll remove the Patriots and replace them with more Uniparty Globalists until WFB is as Left as National Review.
    This infiltrate-and-replace tactic has worked fir the Left for 70 years.

    Witness the Boy Scouts, Episcopal Church, the MSM, ESPN, etc.

    Infiltrate and replace.
    @BFH, thanks for calling this out.

  9. Like Smoker said, President Trump’s tweet came AFTER the leak was reported in the NYTimes. It was likely a response to the Times article. Throw Comey in jail for leaking confidential material. And yes, he did have intent.

  10. Frankly, I don’t go to ANY sites that link to neocon sites National Review, Red State, Weekly Standard, American Conservative, Hot Air, and the like. I barely can make it to anything linked to Breitbart (Shiitebart) or Instapundit, either. Glenn Reynolds is ok, but his co-bloggers leave much to be desired. Frankly, the “right-o-sphere” is pretty cucked out and neoconned, and I spend most of my right leaning news time on individual owned sites or just YouTube channels.

  11. It would be interesting to follow the money and find out where the WFB operating and start-up money came from. Follow it all the way back to the source. In any event, Bill Krystol is a lot of things but a real conservative isn’t one of them. I’ve watched him over the years softening then abandoning conservative positions and become more squishy as time goes on. This editor trying out the “tweets for impeachment” theory is just pathetic. Trump uses them to go direct to the people and while some of them have been a bit questionable and you sort of wish he’d apply the 30 second rule (stop, put the device down and just beathe deeply for 30 seconds then if it still seems a good idea hit post) a few times the positives far outweigh the negatives especially when you’re faced with a press that is almost entirely leftwing and whose purpose is to destroy you. If this guy can’t figure that out then maybe he should go work for George Soros. Follow the money, maybe he already is.

  12. These oh-so-smart college educated MSM types still don’t get it.
    The “Tapes” tweet was a joke after the MSM called Comey’s firing “Nixonian”.
    When I first heard it I laughed pretty hard.

  13. BFH – yes, please stop linking to WFB Washington Free Beacon. THis fucktard’s mutterings are enough reason to do so.

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