Washington: Inmate sentenced to nearly 25 years for murdering sister’s rapist in prison – IOTW Report

Washington: Inmate sentenced to nearly 25 years for murdering sister’s rapist in prison

WaEx: A Washington state inmate was sentenced to nearly 25 years in prison after he murdered his sister’s rapist who was housed in the same cell.

Shane Goldsby, 26, attacked 70-year-old Robert Munger in a communal area at the Airway Heights Corrections Center in July 2020 after he discovered the convicted child rapist had molested a number of victims, including his sister, according to KHQ. Goldsby struck Munger, who at the time was serving a 43-year sentence, “in the face and head area about 14 times, (stomped) on his head at least four times and (kicked) a couple more times before walking away and being taken into custody by” law enforcement, court documents read.

The 26-year-old apologized to Munger’s family through tears during his sentencing. more

26 Comments on Washington: Inmate sentenced to nearly 25 years for murdering sister’s rapist in prison

  1. His problem was that he did it in Washington and not Texas, where if I recall correctly, a father was not charged with killing a man attempting to rape his daughter. I would say, Washington you should be ashamed, but liberals have no shame, so it would fall on deaf ears.

  2. Makes no sense. He just saved the state a whole lot of money. Should have knocked off 1 year.

    Who knows, if word gets out, the prisoners will reduce their population voluntarily.

  3. This Goldsby guy is a genius. He somehow managed to commit a crime, get sentenced to the same prison, and the same cell as his sister’s rapist, just so he could kill the guy.

  4. Killing a rapist or pedophile is NOT a bad thing especially if the vile act was committed against a relative. No tears to be shed over a kilt rapist/pedovor.

  5. andre AUGUST 9, 2021 AT 1:20 AM
    “Who’s the idiot that put them in the same cell?”

    …sometimes, people just don’t think.

    …one time when I was running Squad we had these two guys who were backdoor neighbors, and also they hated each other. The one guy had won 4M in a lottery, went out and immediately bought a car that was too powerful for him, wrecked it, and lost his leg as a result.

    He was also an asshole.

    The other guy didn’t really have a medical backstory that I know of, but HE was an asshole, too.

    …anyway, we spent a little time up there bringing first one, then the other, to the hospital after they got done with each other, or the cops got done with one of them, but they had a battle royale once where, among other things, the cops confiscated the one legged guy’s prosthesis as a weapon because it came off during the struggle one way or another and he used it to be the other guy. I don’t know if the police added their own decorations to one or both combatants as well (this was a few decades back, so they still could do that then), so on THIS occasion BOTH warriors needed stitches and such.

    We had a Sqaud lieutenant who had first responded there, and for obvious reasons he decided the pugilists each needed their own separate ambulance so he summoned our 92 unit. Good so far, but then for LESS obvious reasons only known to himself, he routed BOTH ambulances to the SAME ER.

    The police had police things to do and the warriors were quieten, and as both refused to press charges on the other and hadn’t attacked the police, and as the hospital theoretically had their own security, the cops shrugged and didn’t follow us in. We did put them in different places in the hospital, but somehow the leggy guy found out where legless guy was, and came over while we had just been settling him in and decided that was a good time and place to resume their lively little discussion. Peg wasn’t really in a position or have leverage to do much about it, as the cops had not returned his leg.

    We ended up having to literally sit on Two Legs until the security guard finished wiping his ass or whatever the hell HE was off doing, and the local cops had been summoned during the festivities and had a discussion with him in the Squad bay next to their crusier, which had the same leak ALL police crusiers of the era seemed to have as the guy kept falling down for some reason and they kept helping him up, but when they returned it must have been some good counseling becasue he was nice as pie, although there were a few more bruises to treat.

    …so while you can’t discount intent on the part of the prison, maybe they were just being mean, maybe they wanted it to end the way it did, you can’t really ASSUME it either. They may not have KNOWN about this relationship beforehand, and they may have just been bureaucratic assholes who didn’t want to accomodate a possibly lying prisoner after he started to complain in a Democrat reduced number of prison cells…or they may have just been stupid like that, or even too lazy to tell the guy who actually reassigns prisoner cells.

    You should never discount evil in the human decision making process, that’ for sure.

    But you should never assume the person making the decisions isn’t a complete dumbass, either.

    ESPECIALLY in politically run entities that may be rife with Affirmative Action hires…

  6. …all that said, good on him for killing that pedophile fucker who messed with his family.

    I would have done the same without hesitation.


    I would have NEVER voted to convict him, either.

    …so except for the guy getting prison time for his taxpayer releif, this was REALLY the best possible outcome all around….

  7. pedo criminals are the lowest rung in prisons. Everyone else abuses them.

    No surprise one gets killed. Lot of hate for them in there, and they aren’t even related to the victims.

  8. …I’m genuinely surprised the pedo was even IN jail.

    He was a lifetime child molester in his 70s, so immoral that he would put his perversion on full display in front of others and dare them to do something about it.

    …Sounds like Democrat presidential material to ME, someone at the DNC is sure gonna catch hell over THIS…


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