Washington Post Reporter: Democrats ‘Are Overplaying Their Hand’ on Sessions – IOTW Report

Washington Post Reporter: Democrats ‘Are Overplaying Their Hand’ on Sessions

Breitbart: Democrats trying to sustain a controversy around U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 election are overplaying their hand, aWashington Post reporter said Thursday.

Philip Bump wrote a timeline on Sessions’ interactions with the Russian ambassador:

Put together a timeline on what Sessions did and said, and am now thinking that Dems are overplaying their hand. http://wapo.st/2lZZIdb 

9 Comments on Washington Post Reporter: Democrats ‘Are Overplaying Their Hand’ on Sessions

  1. Insanity. They’ve got nothing. After exhausting every possible resource/angle during the campaign, they’re on fumes. Just raise the white flag already, losers.

  2. My take is that Sessions said “hello” to the Russian ambassador to be polite, and all of a sudden he is “in league” with their “hacking” (the Democrats did so many stupid things that a savvy 9 year old would have been able to hack them.

  3. Yeah, Phil, when all of the meetings which Dem Senators had with the Russian ambassador are being tallied and publicized, it’s time to pivot to Pence’s email, right? And when that leads back around to the secret server in the bathroom, it’s time to call PDT “angry and unhinged” again. And when a Dem becomes angry and unhinged on Twitter or TV, it’s back to “Trump Colludes With Russia”.

    I must say, your neews cycle needs to be patented, because it runs for weeks on nothing.

  4. In a sense, this helps Trump & Co. over the long haul.

    I think of it in the same light as the protesters paid rioters in the month following the election; they only discredited themselves and their side.

    I doubt they’ll “learn” and stop their “outrage,” but instead intensify and invent even more disgusting tactics in an effort to derail Trump.

  5. You have to hand it to the Russians. They did a really good job of painting Clinton as a lying, duplicitous, greedy failure for the past 30 years. Had me believing it!

  6. “And here we go: Tillerson calls for full review of Iran deal.”
    The Dems are stepping into very deep shit. The “rules” have alway been that after the Office of the Presidency changes parties, the new admin doesn’t go after the crimes and corruption of the previous admin. i.e.. Bush/Cheney/Alberto Gonzales could have keep Grand Juries busy for a decade but they and Obama played by the “rules”. Now Obama and Dems have changed the rules to “resistance/sedition and Trump has the DOJ and gov’t records. “Dems/Russians” has given a gateway into the collusion of Dems with Russians and other corruption/illegalities for Iran Nuclear deal and T-Rex is going for it.

  7. Obama has been committing fraud and felonies his whole adult life. He’d be wise to just ride off into the sunset before someone decides they’ve had enough of his shit. Val Jar is no better. Both of them should be prosecuted.

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