Washington Post Thinks We All Should Fast During Ramadan – IOTW Report

Washington Post Thinks We All Should Fast During Ramadan

Robert Spencer in P.J. Media

The far-Left anti-Trump propaganda organ masquerading as a news source and operating under the name the Washington Post on Thursday published an inspiring op-ed entitled “As American Muslims fast this Ramadan, maybe the rest of America should consider joining in.”

The Post’s articles exhorting people to keep the Lenten fast or the Yom Kippur fast have not yet been published, but I’m sure that they will be when the appropriate times for them roll around again. Won’t they? More

32 Comments on Washington Post Thinks We All Should Fast During Ramadan

  1. Reading that just makes me want to go hunt wild pigs again. Besides, we ate up my pig from my 2019 hunt. 🐗 It’s time. Aloha porkbar.

  2. We’re farmers and if it don’t quit raining and and dry the land we will be fasting. Fox News just reported that the virus hot spots are where meat plants are located. Is it sabotage????? Tyson plant in northern Indiana 900 workers are sick! Scary!
    Also, Trump is lying when he says the food supply is safe and plentiful, it’s not okay, we’re not okay!!

  3. They won’t publish those articles about Lent or Yom Kippur. They are not in the business of cramming someone’s religion down out throats.

    Oh, wait….

  4. Isn’t it a coincidence that the pork processing plants want to close down during RAMA LAMA DING DONG? Do you think the MUCKIN FUZZIES had anything to do with it?

  5. I first red the Post 71 years ago. even as a kid i could see their hate for Americans; and therefor me! Hate mongers at Post still selling hate; it was not the owners – but I’m sure they were OK with hating Americans. As he is today!

  6. We should all kick a mohammedan squaw in the nuts, while his ass is up in the air farting at his false god?!

    Well Hellllllllllllllls YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH – I’m down for THAT!!! >:->

  7. Go ask John Brennan his thoughts bout this…a traitor of many levels, ‘former’ communist party supporter.

    BTW, he is THE chief AIC Swamp leaker to the ComPost.

  8. I’m drinking a bunch of IPAs for my fast.

    On a lighter note, I just found the Tree Cat — who had been missing for about 24 hours. I probably walked 10 miles today… climbing over fences, navigating deadfalls… searching for my cat.

    Just at about 10:15 I decided to go search by the cemetery. Sure enough he was there. He couldn’t see me, but I could see him. I climbed the barbed wire and caught him. Then I couldn’t get the gate open one handed and had to climb over it with a screaming wriggling cat.

    G-d is good.

    Not that ramadan god, he’s scum through and through.

  9. It’s too bad that muslims waste 1/12th of their lives every year fasting and praying to a false god. The musliim god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Moses. The musliim god is an unloving task master whom muslims never ever know if he has been pleased with them enough to allow entry to heaven. Never. They never know if they have enough points to make it into heaven. And there’s our Congress, praying to a false god!


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