Washington Post Wants Biden to Drop 2024 to Save Midterms in 2022 – IOTW Report

Washington Post Wants Biden to Drop 2024 to Save Midterms in 2022

Red State

On Sunday, The Washington Post carried an opinion piece about President Joe Biden and his 2024 aspirations. In the piece, the Jeff Bezos-controlled newspaper argued that Biden should not seek reelection.

11 Comments on Washington Post Wants Biden to Drop 2024 to Save Midterms in 2022

  1. It won’t work. No one believes Biden is in control, and the low opinion of this presidency is more of an opinion on the Democrat party than just Biden.

  2. It would be entertainment gold watching Pres. Trump debate *Joe. However, the Deep State wouldn’t let that happen. *Joe will not be allowed to run 2024. He’s done.

  3. They can’t run their party and it’s obvious they can’t run America at all, except into the ground…it has little to do with puppet Joe.

  4. Too late. Stick a fork in the 2022 midterms. It’s over.
    Not even the lackey media can save the Democrats now. They played all their fear porn cards and the Monkey Pox only kills the untouchables so that bluff is also gone.
    The ballot harvesting/random ballot box scam has been exposed so that’s not going to work either.

    Face it. The vegetable they inserted in the Whitehouse is an epic fuck up and now the Democrats get what’s coming to them.

    Stolen Elections Have Consequences.

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