Washington State: Alarm grows over Supreme Court’s overturning of drug possession law – IOTW Report

Washington State: Alarm grows over Supreme Court’s overturning of drug possession law


A legislative fix is in the works to restore Washington state’s drug possession law, part of which was struck down the by the state Supreme Court Thursday.

It comes after a growing number of public officials are sounding the alarm over the ruling that simple drug possession can no longer be used as the basis for an arrest in the state because it violates the due process clauses contained in the state and U.S. Constitutions.

State Sen. Steve Hobbs is one of two Democratic senators who have introduced a bill which is a simple one-word fix.

That word is “knowingly,” which adds intent to possess an illegal drug. A majority of justices believed that is lacking in the existing law.

“Right now, you can have controlled substances and not get arrested. It’s kind of crazy” Hobbs told KOMO News Friday. “I know several states have gone through this very problem before and now it’s our turn, and we have to fix it right away.” read more

12 Comments on Washington State: Alarm grows over Supreme Court’s overturning of drug possession law

  1. Seattle Police won’t even confiscate an illegal substance? I don’t see how the law, as or was written, violated the due process clause. Are they saying people were being arrested after having drugs planted on them by someone else?

  2. I know if you rent a car and take it into Mesiko, the odds of it coming back across the border with dope stashed in it is very high.

    Happened to my dad, COLONEL Granpa’.

    Went down to check out a manufacturing plant, had lunch at a Chinese place, drove back.

    BAM! All the police ever born showed up.

    Drugs were stashed somewhere easy to get if you knew where to look, but not visible to a casual inspection. Turns out the cartels were working with a couple of car rental agencies.

    Pop was embarrassed and relieved he didn’t have to spend 700 years in a Mesikin prison.

  3. From one of my favorite episodes of COPS:

    (arresting officer): You’re under arrest for possession of cocaine.
    (detained person): That ain’t muh cocaine!
    (arresting officer): It was in your pants!
    (detained person): These ain’t muh pants!

  4. JPM, it was a case out of Spokane where a woman was arrested for having drugs in the pocket of her jeans. And now I see and hear that the Spokane Police will not arrest anyone for simple possession of drugs anymore because of this ruling from the Wash. state Supreme Court. Try that in Idaho just 30 miles to the East of us and you’ll end up in jail for a good long time. Idaho is still sane, Washington has gone over the deep end more and more with every passing day and I am a Wash. native who loves the Eastern part of this state for all of my 68 years.

  5. Arrest for possession has always been bullshit.
    I’ve seen actual police videos of cops selling drugs and then arresting the buyer for possession. Total bullshit. The cop was in possession prior to the perp, but that’s somehow OK? Cops also “find” shit in the car that wasn’t there when the car stopped. The FBI has been caught manufacturing “evidence” and no one has ever gone to jail over it.
    Whether someone uses drugs or not is totally irrelevant. His ACTS are what should be relevant. Why do we test for drug use? If the drugs fuck you up, then you’re fucked up and a test isn’t necessary. If the drugs DON’T fuck you up, then what’s the point?

    “Well, drugs lead to crime.” Then punish the fucking crime! Not so tough, is it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I live in possibly the most beautiful place in Washington state. My sons are both cops, one is a K9 officer. My community votes 75/25 Democrat to Republican. I have grown to hate this place but can’t get the Missus to even consider moving until the kids and grandkids do. Trying to talk my kids into Idaho. they’re tired of all the crap too but it’s really difficult to pull up stakes and move. I guess that it hasn’t gotten bad enough yet.


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