Washington state bans use of the word ‘marijuana’ from state laws, citing racist implications – IOTW Report

Washington state bans use of the word ‘marijuana’ from state laws, citing racist implications


Democratic legislators in Washington state  prohibiting the use of the word “marijuana” in official law over concerns that it is “racist.”

The state legislature recently passed a bill banning the use of the term and Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee has sign it into law, effective in June.

“The term ‘marijuana’ itself is pejorative and racist,” state Democrat Rep. Melanie Morgan said during testimony about House Bill 1210.

“As recreational marijuana use became more popular, it was negatively associated with Mexican immigrants,” she continued. “Even though it seems simple because it’s just one word, the reality is we’re healing the wrongs that were committed against Black and Brown people around cannabis.” more

25 Comments on Washington state bans use of the word ‘marijuana’ from state laws, citing racist implications

  1. I honestly do not know 1 black person who uses the term marijuana.

    I hear: Weed, Smoke, Shit, Pot,

    Honkies use Cannabis, marijuana & medicine & Vape (sometimes)
    The ones that call it medicine are ALWAYS FOOKIN STONED

  2. research a couple of nutjobs named Harry Anslinger and William Randolph Hearst. Hearst hated Mexicans. He renamed yesca as marijuana because it sounded Mexican, therefore scary, to him.

  3. White guilt whitewashing wordz.

    Colonizers erasing indigenous language.

    Power controlling and dehumanizing the masses.

    This is fish in barrel meet shotgun logic.

  4. “… a rose by any other name …”

    Control the language; control the narrative.
    Propaganda Rule #1.

    A great purge is coming.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If I smoke weed, does that mean I am of a particular color of skin that weed is associated with? Dispensaries that I’ve been to, many senior citizens are there purchasing their medicine. The government is the one who put the bad stigma on weed, paid for by the alcohol industry. Weed has really cut into their profits.

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