Washington State Supreme Court: Charter schools are unconstitutional – IOTW Report

Washington State Supreme Court: Charter schools are unconstitutional


In the ruling, Chief Justice Barbara Madsen wrote that charter schools aren’t “common schools” because they’re governed by appointed rather than elected boards.

Therefore, “money that is dedicated to common schools is unconstitutionally diverted to charter schools,” Madsen wrote.

Justice Mary E. Fairhurst agreed with the majority that charter schools aren’t common schools, but argued in a partial dissenting opinion that the state “can constitutionally support charter schools through the general fund.”

She was joined by Justices Steven C. González and Sheryl Gordon McCloud.

 The ruling is a victory for the coalition that filed the suit in July 2013, asking a judge to declare the law unconstitutional for “improperly diverting public-school funds to private organizations that are not subject to local voter control.”


Wouldn’t any private firm hired by the government now be considered unconstitutional? Like Haliburton.

ht/ annie

29 Comments on Washington State Supreme Court: Charter schools are unconstitutional

  1. Reduce the county school budget to reflect the loss of X number of students. Create a new budget category called “Contracted Education Consulting.” Put the money into that.

    Is this really that hard?

  2. The whole “constitutional” or “unconstitutional” thingy has become a bit of a joke in the past 50-100 years. Commerce Clause abuse under FDR, abortion, homosexual “marriage” etc etc

  3. Therefore, “money that is dedicated to common schools is unconstitutionally diverted to charter schools,” Madsen wrote, before heading to the bank to cash the checks she received from the teacher union officials.

    The system is now further rigged for the benefit of “associations”. ‘Choice’ only matters if you’re killing a baby, as far as education you will continue to suffer under the ‘elected’. Sad but true. Those who can’t home school are stuck in a morass of small government where the elected are financially supported by educational advocates backed by big money unions.

  4. The important thing is that those tax dollars get spent brainwashing the children into being good little Marxist pedophile bait.


    I wonder how many of those unconstitutional gun control laws in Washington have been struck down by one of their communist ‘judges’? Is it zero? I’ll bet it’s zero.

  5. Vouchers-Making The Left Insane For 40 Years

    ANYTHING that will remove control of our children from the state will be attacked relentlessly. I see there are even efforts underway in various states to end home schooling.

    Without a dumbed down population, cowering in the corner because of micro-aggressions, dog whistles and PC, the left will wither away. They must continue the assault on our history and traditions.

    Trump’s push for school choice has got to be the thing REgressives fear the most. I see it is resonating with blacks too. Imagine black illegitimacy rates dropping back to 1950s’ levels when it was actually lower then white illegitimacy. And working fathers and school choice. Goodbye democrat party.

    The left will use any means what so ever to kill vouchers. Look how Obama/Jarrett killed the DC program that was turning away 4 and 5 times the amount of children that made it into a decent school.

  6. @ Anonymous and everyone else. My wifes private CHRISTIAN school, 6-12 is bursting at the seams. It has 190 students this year. 10 years ago it had an average of 88 students. A great new campus, chapel, gym, football field the envy of pubic schools. Tuition isnt cheap, but people are beginning to recognize the failure of PS, and see the indoctrination of their children. The sacrifice is apparently worth it. Do the parents all have new boats, cars and houses? Probably not, most are middle class and they have endowments for those who cannot afford it. Oh, and the commute to the campus is a minimum 5 miles from town. No excuses people. Pull them out, home school or private. If you wait for vouchers, it will be your great grand children getting them.

  7. As someone who has spent some time in WA off and on since ’73, trust me, it isn’t the Wobblies the native people hate having anything to do with or being there.
    WA is a heavily union state but they liked our non union money just fine.
    Now we like Boeing’s new plant in SC just fine.
    Bite off your nose, see what it got you WA?

  8. I’ve been here for fifty years and it isn’t the Californians, too many of the natives are native born pieces of shit and come by it honestly. Their parents before them were pieces of shit. They are born and bred pieces of shit and then what they come by naturally us nurtured by behaving been schooled by pieces of shit for twelve years of Washington’s public school system.

    I recognized this dynamic as a pre-teen and it has been reinforced on a daily basis.

  9. I’ve been here for fifty years and it isn’t the Californians, too many of the natives are native born pieces of shit and come by it honestly.

    Their parents before them were pieces of shit. They are born and bred pieces of shit and then what they come by naturally is then nurtured by having been schooled by pieces of shit leftist teachers for twelve years of Washington’s public school system.

    I recognized this dynamic as a pre-teen and it has been reinforced on a daily basis.

  10. 1) The definition of common schools should be schools to which any child can attend. It would be an uncommon school if they refused to take a particular class of students.

    2) Where I live, we have essentially a charter school run by an appointed board, but the town votes to approve the charter school’s tuition rate, which essentially gives them “control.”

  11. High tech folks from LA and SanFran moved to the Seattle area in the late 80’s. CA was too expensive and they wanted to be in the next hip area- thanks be to the grunge music scene-they traveled North. Some stopped in Portland and others came here.

    Don’t blame me. I’m conservative and originally from Ohio. 😉

    It’s a double edge sword as I’ve been in the tech industry and so is Mr. Illustr8r. Great job opportunities but good grief…the politics…

    Now, the big techies who didn’t crash and burn during the dot com bubble are old enough to “retire” and are moving to Eastern WA, Idaho, Montana etc…they are locust.

  12. “Therefore, ‘money that is dedicated to common schools is unconstitutionally diverted to charter schools,’ Madsen wrote.”

    If charter schools are run anything at all there like they are here, then that right there is bullshit because charter schools have to practically support themselves. They get *some* funding, but not nearly enough. I did my year-long internship at a charter school and learned a LOT about them–the teachers there work their asses off and don’t just rely on Houghton-Mifflin to tell them what to say to classes for instruction. The one I was at did have a scripted math curriculum, but my mentor teacher made all kinds of materials to supplement and use in circles we got into on the floor for visuals of the lessons–which made a HUGE difference.

    Our school also was very big into Dinah Zike, an educator who developed a system of “foldables,” a system of all kinds of pockets and ways to do reports and presentations and etc. that totally go out of the box, and the kids loved it. I did one myself for a methods class and all these teachers in training and the professor even loved it. I remember when I told other teachers about it in other schools, they “didn’t have time.” Now I don’t begrudge them their time because they also work really hard, but major more kudos to these charter teachers for the plans they build, from the ground up (think about this: five reading groups of different comprehension levels, that means 25 lesson plans a WEEK for just reading).

    The principal there also kept up on research and scheduled classes to co-incide with what empirical evidence indicated, such as that the brain more effectively processes language concepts earlier in the day (I think this is the correct manner of expressing this), so all for English lessons/reading groups sat in the mornings. The workload is seriously intense and even the kids work their bottoms off, and the result are the proof that this system is successful. Our number were so high there was no denying the improvement and success rates.

    Sorry to make that so long, it just really gets my goat when I see ignorant politicians making decisions on children’s lives–especially when the money they think they are saving is being funneled to their pockets, ME terrorists or illegal immigrants who, unlike these kids, will not be giving back to the country who gives them so much.

  13. I’m not saying that the Californian influx did nto move the needle further left, it did, but let no one kid you, the needle has never been right of center in and around metropolitan Pierce/King area. These bastards, in the aggregate, are hard left, their parents and grandparents were hard left and the influx of other like minded vermin has only exacerbated the problems here.

  14. Lisl, I think you like teaching kids. What a wonderful thing. We need tens of thousands of you.

    Been told I have a knack for explaining technical concepts to others. I can look at another’s face and see if they get the concept. If they don’t, I can rephrase on the fly.

    Had hoped I could move into the quite good internal training program my company had when I got too old (coming real soon) to do my job.

    We got bought out and the new owners killed that off.

  15. Here this woman, with her snotty, supercilious assurance that she knows best about education, is dooming a whole generation of children from poor, minority families to lousy, substandard education.

    But Trump, he’s “racist.”

  16. Build a Wall! Give CA, OR, and WA to the socialists and build a big, beautiful wall to keep em in. Nobody comes out – EVER – only more socialists can go IN.

    No subsidies. No nothing. One giant cesspool from Canada to Mexico. Filled with the turds of America.
    (the humans keep the ports – after the unions are excised)

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Pbird,
    Know NOTHING of the Left Coast.
    Never been there.
    Never going.

    Thus, your premise is in error, as I never claimed knowledge thereof.

    It’s like making fun of toothless West Virginians, and … oh, forget it …

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. Pbird; so tell us about the west coast. I’ve lived here 60 years and can tell you it went to hell a long time ago. Anti-gun, pro-wierdo, anti-freedom, high tax, pro-illegal, anti-native, corruption in gov’t, city bankruptcy and a law to cover everything imaginable.

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