Wasn’t President Obama just an effeminate community organizer? – IOTW Report

Wasn’t President Obama just an effeminate community organizer?

Trump replaces Obama Surgeon General with a black female. The left says she’s not qualified- just a nurse.

Can’t we say they are racist?


Instead of applauding President Trump for elevating a black, female nurse to the post, leftists attacked Dr. Trent-Adams’ credentials, saying she’s “just a nurse.” Obviously, Trump’s promotion of a black woman doesn’t fit the liberal media narrative that he’s a “racist misogynist.”

The disses started with liberal media outlets like ABC News, which tepidly announced in a snide tweet: “Dr. Vivek Murthy — an Obama appointee — resigns as Surgeon General, replaced by deputy Sylvia Trent-Adams, a nurse.”

Actually, she’s a nurse with a Ph.D., so you can call her “Doctor.”

Similarly, the New York Times — the so-called bastion of social justice activism — bleated in a snobby headline: “Nurse Replaces Surgeon General After Obama Appointee Resigns.”

It’s not until the last paragraph that the New York Times mentions that Sylvia Trent-Adams has a Ph.D. and was a nurse officer in the Army who had served as deputy surgeon general.


27 Comments on Wasn’t President Obama just an effeminate community organizer?

  1. She’s an actual Rear Admiral. Between that and having a PhD. and serving as deputy surgeon general, I think she’s qualified. If the President wants her there, that’s good enough for me. Besides, she’s got a face that lights up the room.

  2. As an aside. Something peculiar is happening in America. Just received a call from an old friend 30 minutes ago. He backhandedly congratulated me for my years of political activism. He’s not quite one of us yet, but damn, he now recognizes the importance of paying attention to what government does. And what it can do to you.

    It’s been a decades long conversation to bring him around. I’m a happy camper. Persuasion can be a long process requiring patience. We didn’t speak for several years. It’s

  3. Of course the left is jealous. At best, the most they can accomplish in a day is drop off their kids at the sitter’s house and swing by the gas station for a pack of menthols.

  4. “Just a Nurse,” Like “Just a cop.” Or “just a soldier.” These elitist, condescending, scumbag fuddermuckers, really get my goat.
    I would like to use my axe handle on them. Or my pitching wedge. Or in a pinch, my bare knuckles. They know nothing about life outside their own little cocoon of snobbery. No matter what President Trump does, they will fault it. If he appointed Clara Barton or Florence Nightingale, to the position of Surgeon General, they would
    find fault. White women, they would claim white privilege. Look I have this thing about nurses. Those I have met while under their charge at the VA Hospital and here at my local hospital, are cheerful, businesslike, and very competent. Once, after surgery, a doctor came by, checked my BP and said to the nurse, “OK his BP is down, I’ve done my job, he can go.” I’ll never forget it. I was eager to get home. But the nurse, a black lady, said to me. “No Tom, I’ll take you BP once again and I’ll be back. Four hours later
    The nurse OK’d my discharge. When I think back on that I think that the Doctor was a little flippant but the nurse was being a nurse.
    Three of my sisters were nurses in Rhodesia before the witch doctors took over when they got their “Independence.” I have two
    cousins, nurses, in Presbyterian Hospital in NYC. These are girls
    you don’t want to try to bullshit about anything.
    My point is, and sorry for the rant, President Trump’s appointment
    of “just a Nurse” is fine with me. You Go Gal

  5. @nunya.

    So Jill has an Ed D and ole Joe has Low T. This is reminding me of an old Jackson 5 song.

    Sing it with me.

    😀🎼Jill’s Ed D. It’s easy as do re mi. Never mind about Joe’s Low T.

  6. In my lifetime, I’ve probably seen 25 different doctors including specialists and 3 nurse practioners. The medicals that made positive difference for me?? Two awesome nurse practioners, and my DIL, a very drug conservative Doc of Pharmacy.

    The only M.D. that I have great respect for is/was a woman old world schooled common sense drug conservative pediatrician for my kids.

  7. So the Surgeon GENERAL is a Rear ADMIRAL, and the Nurse is also a Doctor. I love word games ! And the left had no prob with her as Deputy Surgeon General, yet they don’t think she’s qualified to be the #1 post?? And I echo the others’ comments on Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.

  8. I’d address her as Nurse, with pride, and I’m sure she would accept it with pride. George Washington was fine with Mr. President. Ah but who was it that said to an Navy Admiral, Please don’t call me ma’am, I’m a Senator, I worked so hard for it, please call me Senator.
    Oh the cunts we have running our country. When are we going to end this shit?

  9. It was a nurse practitioner that diagnosed my wife
    with hyperthyroidism, after she saw FOUR other goddamn
    doctors and they prescribed anything from opiates to
    anti-depressives. That’s the military medical system for
    you. The woman saved her life.

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