Watch: Ace Hardware Employee Confronts a Customer With a Bat, Allegedly For Not Wearing Mask, While His Flunky Maskless Co-Worker is Right Beside Him – IOTW Report

Watch: Ace Hardware Employee Confronts a Customer With a Bat, Allegedly For Not Wearing Mask, While His Flunky Maskless Co-Worker is Right Beside Him

If the man being attacked is telling the truth, the fact that the attacker’s flunky is standing right there with no mask covering his goofy face proves that masks are just a vehicle for people with a predilection for control and violence to act out. This shitstain will make a nice progressive politician one day.

The funny part is the victim told the moron that he was fully vaccinated and didn’t need a mask.

These assholes don’t want to see Covid end. They are getting off on this stuff.

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40 Comments on Watch: Ace Hardware Employee Confronts a Customer With a Bat, Allegedly For Not Wearing Mask, While His Flunky Maskless Co-Worker is Right Beside Him

  1. 15 years ago I went to an ACE Store and was talking to the clerk. I don’t remember what we were talking about but he led me outside. He said there were microphones listening to all conversations. When we went back in I saw the mic hanging from the ceiling over every register.
    Yep they’ve been spying for a long time.

  2. Well, duh, of course a fight broke out. I mean, who wouldn’t smack someone with a bat when the smackee is complaining to a manger? Like, you know, there might be a baby Jesus or something in it, right?

  3. If some asshole approaches me with a weapon in his hand acting in an aggressive manner while I’m entering a place of business that’s pretty much a green light to shoot the asshole.

  4. Good job Seattle. Here’s what everyone is missing here:

    From the City’s website. “Seattle employers are prohibited from running criminal background checks until after an initial screening has eliminated unqualified job applicants by ensuring that all applicants possess the minimum qualifications that are necessary to successfully perform the job.”

    Even then if the City finds out that an employer has run background checks the City will make the employer’s life uncomfortable. The public cannot point this out in the reader comments because the progressive movement has shut down the reader’s comments sections in the paper and on television news websites.

    The bastards don’t like me commenting because I remember shit like this

  5. I haven’t gone into an Ace Hardware since they neutered their slogan “Ace is the place with the helpful hardware MAN” many years ago, because women, or something.

  6. A bat?? The customer was attacked with a bat for not having a mask? I have many an employee tell me a mask is required and if I wasn’t going to wear I had to leave. Fine.

    But a bat? And than a fisticuffs?

    The customer has got a payday coming.

  7. Most of these stores are making mask decisions based on not wanting to get sued or in trouble with OSHA.
    But then you have these kind of things where an employee takes it way too far.
    I predict that employees are going to have a hands-off approach verbally and otherwise. Because unhinged people do kill over being told what to do about a mask.

  8. The Ace Hardware in our neighborhood NEVER had a mask requirement and the liberals were screaming their heads off all over the Nextdoor app. It was so amusing to read. I would shop there, maskless, just because I could.


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