Watch: Actress Jennifer Lawrence in PSA Calling the Right “Cheaters Who Can’t Win Without Voter Manipulation and Suppressing Minorities” – IOTW Report

Watch: Actress Jennifer Lawrence in PSA Calling the Right “Cheaters Who Can’t Win Without Voter Manipulation and Suppressing Minorities”

This is one of the most outrageous of all the celebrity PSAs. She just lays it on thick, absurdly.

What a dunce.

34 Comments on Watch: Actress Jennifer Lawrence in PSA Calling the Right “Cheaters Who Can’t Win Without Voter Manipulation and Suppressing Minorities”

  1. Someone mind telling this drunken home wrecking little bint that asking for voter ID isn’t cheating. That is if you can get her off her knees long enough…

  2. I assume her career is in the toilet (I’ve never heard of her) and that’s why she has to make a fool of herself in public pushing the Party Parrot Talk?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m actually glad these Far Left Socialists come out of their political closet to reveal their true selves. Makes it easier for me to boycott their shitty movies & tv shows.

  4. “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”
    -Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”

  5. Miss Kitty
    JUNE 11, 2021 AT 12:14 PM
    “Commies can’t win with ideas.

    Their idea of winnimg is to lie, cheat, steal and sleep their way to the top.”

    …they only do it because it works…

  6. What SNS said.
    The straight up definition of psychological projection.

  7. Anonymous
    JUNE 11, 2021 AT 12:48 PM
    “She has a SAG ID CARD! That’s racist!”

    …ain’t the ONLY sag that bint has, she ain’t as fit as she used to be, just sayin’…


    She thinks black & brown people can’t make it the world without her. Same with ellen.

    They’re parasitic minds know they, themselves, are frauds and makes them think grandiosely, that people of color can not do for themselves.

  9. She does have a way with selfies. I’ve seen part’s of her that I haven’t seen on my wife of 40 yrs. I won’t be listening to anything the whore has to say.

  10. Remember the 2013 Oscars, when Seth McFarlane sang, “We Saw Your Boobs?” The only actress he admitted to NOT “seeing” was Jennifer Lawrence. Then, in 2018, Jennifer showed her boobs in, “Red Sparrow.”

    – Yawn


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