Watch Ami Horowitz Raise Money On Campus For Hamas To Kill Jews – IOTW Report

Watch Ami Horowitz Raise Money On Campus For Hamas To Kill Jews

He raised money to kill Jews from woke students.

11 Comments on Watch Ami Horowitz Raise Money On Campus For Hamas To Kill Jews

  1. “Progressives” are progressives first, last and always and as I keep pointing out the progressive movement is motivated by a compelling drive to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death here on earth. They are Satan’s foot soldiers, motivated by envy and driven by resentment.

    They are subhuman pieces of shit who’s hostility to The Good is something they celebrate. They are absolute Goddamned filth.

  2. The next step of progression in their mind is eradicate those intolerant Christians here at home.

    “They will ban you from the synagogue, yet an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering a service to God.” John 16:2

    That “hour” is almost here.

  3. In case you are still unawares regarding their motivation to indoctrinate children with “lifestyle choices” that can only lead to self hatred and despair, it is a step towards having them buy into the progressive worldview and rejecting Christianity. Once a person is consumed by self hatred, driven in all of their thoughts by envy and motivated by resentment it is an easy push to get them to project their self hatred onto others.

    In the progressive worldview everything ,Christianity stands for is turned on its head and/or bastardized, twisted and manipulated to use as an arrow in their quiver. They are most definitely not well intentioned, and to accept that is a trap. Their intentions are wicked and evil in their outcome and at this point in history it is the height of naivety to accept that they do not intend increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death here on earth and do so in service of their Dark Prince.

    The time that concession of good intentions was in any way logical has come and gone. The evidence is in what implementation of their political agenda brings each and every time it has been tried. These assholes are not well intentioned, their motivation is wicked and evil and is so much a part of their being that it is easy to recognize that followers of the progressive movement are wicked and evil beings who have surrendered their birthright as a child of God and have thrown in their lot with the Forces of Evil.

    They are no longer recognizable as human, they have willingly and knowingly descended to such a sub human level that they are different in kind from human, not just degree.

    As for sympathy for them and their suffering or fake causes, I have none. I can no longer even muster any pity for them. Total indifference to their plight is what I have to offer. It is either that or I would no longer be able to limit my reaction to simply despising them and would actively hate the sub human pieces of shit.

    That is the best I can do and it is all I have to offer.

  4. Liberalism is a disease…as contagious as polio.
    Liberalism is a disease…as contagious as syphilis.
    Liberalism is a disease…as contagious as bubonic plague…attacking one…but infecting all.
    Ah, but curable.


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