WATCH: Benghazi Survivor Gives His Take on Trump’s Response to Baghdad Attacks – IOTW Report

WATCH: Benghazi Survivor Gives His Take on Trump’s Response to Baghdad Attacks

Townhall: Beth Baumann

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice made the media rounds on Friday to discuss the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. She repeatedly said the Trump administration “misrepresents the facts,” something Benghazi annex team member Mark Geist takes issue with.

“She pretty much has zero integrity in my book, but it’s typical tactics from the Democrats,” Geist told Fox News’ Pete Hegseth on “Fox and Friends: Weekend.”

According to Geist, Democrats will have one person who will come out and say what they want people to hear, similar to what happened after the attack in Benghazi back in 2012.

“Mark, after that happened, and you’re looking at the coverage and you hear Susan – you’ve been through a gunfight to defend your men. You’ve lost men, you’ve saved lives and you see the National Security Advisor say, ‘It was just spontaneous and it’s because of an internet video.’ Your reaction in that moment and how it colors your frustration of the fact that she now charges the Trump administration with lying?” Hegseth asked.

“First off, when has a protest ever occurred at night? When do they typically – most protests they don’t typically bring AK-47s, belt-fed machine guns and RPGs,” Geist explained. “That’s someone planning an attack and they knew it. They knew it when she went on the speaking circuit that Sunday but instead of telling the truth she just wanted to tell lies because she had to say what the administration at the time wanted.” read more

4 Comments on WATCH: Benghazi Survivor Gives His Take on Trump’s Response to Baghdad Attacks

  1. I follow this BAMF on Instagram, where all the gun fighters live. He’s had numerous battles to overcome after basically having his left hand shot the fuck off. Last year he competed in the tactical games and I want to say he won the damn thing. But I know he was top five. A warrior.

  2. The plan was to have the moslem pigs
    take the Americans as hostages and hold them
    to let Obama have an excuse to release
    dangerous terrorists from Gitmo as a
    laudable excuse to bring the American hostages home
    With full accolades to Obama and Clinton.

    BUT NO !

    The moslem pigs having full captivity
    over the Americans chose instead to
    summarily torture and slaughter them
    like any good muzzy would.

    So ended the Obama 2012 campaign strategy
    will FULL cover up by the MSM of what
    really happen in the strategy room of the WH
    while Hillary, Barry and company watched
    Americans being slaughtered in real time TV
    and while

    ALL available US troops nearby were told to



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