WATCH: Biden ADMITS To Illegal Act… We Got Him Now! – IOTW Report

WATCH: Biden ADMITS To Illegal Act… We Got Him Now!

Joe Biden isn’t even hiding it anymore…

As Joe Biden and his administration continue to use “emergency powers” for COVID-19, Biden is ADMITTING it’s all an illegal abuse of power.

There is no emergency! Biden is just playing political games like always.

In a new interview, Biden declared “The pandemic is over!”

And yet, Biden still refuses to end his emergency use of powers.

Do YOU think Biden should end emergency powers immediately?

9 Comments on WATCH: Biden ADMITS To Illegal Act… We Got Him Now!

  1. Racer X, OR, Congressional Republicans should demand that the Administration answer why Biden says the pandemic is over but the White House says it’s not. Ask who is in charge. Tell them that Republicans, Independents, and others are going to take Biden at his word (and no emergency powers can be used), UNLESS the White House can explain why we shouldn’t (and whatever they answer the next call from the GOP should be to apply the 25th Amendment).

  2. Do I think Biden should end emergency powers immediately?

    No, I think Joey should commit suicide immediately. My fantasy is murder-suicide with multiple victims. I have a little list.

  3. For the long-known scheming and manipulating Biden to declare any emergency as ‘over’ means the grasping greed of federal money by corrupt politicians will end. This is the main reason why his admin and democrat party’s heads exploded when Biden made the recent grunting announcement of the covid scamdemic being ended. There are people who DO NOT want it to be ‘over’ since doing so cuts into their profiteering and stealing federal ’emergency’ money to (further) enrich themselves.

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