Watch: Biden Forgets He’s President When Obama’s Around – IOTW Report

Watch: Biden Forgets He’s President When Obama’s Around

11 Comments on Watch: Biden Forgets He’s President When Obama’s Around

  1. He also forgot he was running for President NOT Senate Multiple Times.

    PS: Wipe from front to back Joey when Jill is busy working in the Oval Office.
    The Black Lady Off to Your Right is not the Cleaning Lady.

  2. If I didn’t despise Grandpa Puddingcup so much I would feel sorry for him. Obama dissed his former VP, acted like one of the mean girls, and the others followed suit.

    Where was Jilly and why did she abandon her husband and allow him to beclown himself?

    These people are inhumanly, outrageously evil, and immorally wrong

  3. Notice Harris finally came alive – with a party girl named Barry.

    Also notice: no men were around. Biden’s entire staff is either female or gay men. That’s why Barry was received so well.

  4. Biden is pathetic, standing there while everybody moves around him like he’s a lamppost, but I vividly recall a video of a gum-chewing Barky getting the same treatment by a bunch of other world leaders at some G-7 or 6 event.

    Lefties can look back in love through rise-colored glasses at their hero, but he was—and still is—a petty, vain mediocrity, disdained by other leaders, just as Biden is now.

  5. If you think about it, Barky pulled off more of a bitch slap last week than Will Smith did. Obammy went up in Biden’s house, was holding court and had all the press and staff and politicians licking his ass while dumb ass Joe shuffled around muttering nonsense.

  6. @ Col. Angus
    There was something weird about him being the invisible in the White House?
    Let’s not forget that most everything they do is scripted. Think about how the video of it was released and not spiked.
    Everything from them is suspect.
    I know his elevator doesn’t go to the top floor, but this doesn’t seem candid, more staged?
    Maybe I’m wrong?


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