Watch: Black Protester in NYC Repeatedly Calls a Police Officer an Asian Slur – IOTW Report

Watch: Black Protester in NYC Repeatedly Calls a Police Officer an Asian Slur

16 Comments on Watch: Black Protester in NYC Repeatedly Calls a Police Officer an Asian Slur

  1. Only White people can be racist.

    That’s because only White people have power.

    You can tell that White people have the power by the way that everyone is allowed to openly discriminate against them, use any racial slur they want against them, attack them with impunity, even murder them if getting preference in everything from admissions to corporate board jobs isn’t enough to make up for the pain of shit that happened between long since dead people a couple hundred years ago that most people today aren’t even related to.

    Oh, and plotting White Genocide is OK to.

    …yup, sure can see and feel how Whites have all the power, yes in diddly deed…/s

  2. Black protester? Whut’s he protesting – the fact that the cops wouldn’t touch him???
    And then there are the Fat Hos twerking on police cars and “protest” shoppers looting and burning our cities…
    Inquiring minds want to know: Where are the so-called “Black Leaders” saying “this is not a good look for Black people”???

  3. Jason JUNE 8, 2021 AT 10:13 AM
    “Ever notice how black people “debate” by repeating themselves over and over. Does it ever work?”

    …for further information on the Black debating style, look at THIS shining example of how the schools are turning them out now…

    …also, this might be early Democrat training, viz.”A Lie Repeated Often Enough Becomes The Truth”.

    …I guess you could say “it works”.

    …for THEM…

  4. The KKKlan with a Tan gets carte blanche to be racist as they want to be. These worthless, knuckle-dragging scumbags should be dealt with in mass hangings on a weekly basis until the figure out we’re sick of their shit.

  5. We’re witnessing the rise of the criminal-class, wearing the mask of “protestor.” They are angered by police brutality, but they’re not against brutality at all; they are against the Police. They are against Authority. Period.

    “Authority” and The Rule of Law is “white” and oppressive.

    It’s Open Season on everything that is not “black.”

  6. One usually has to go to a Mensa meeting to find an intellect that enlightened.
    It’s a shame that the best part of what he could have been wound up as the wet spot on the sheets.

  7. Poor, underfed, oppressed negro is lashing out at the Mongoloids (centered on one cop) because of his “feelings” of insecurity and inferiority.

    It’s not his fault.

    The white, patriarchal, oppressive, ray-cyst, conspiracy of white oppressive ray-cyst patriarchs has driven him to initiate this action against another oppressed minority (not enough to make him leave the white, patriarchal, oppressive, ray-cyst country, though).

    Pray for him – and those like him.

    izlamo delenda est …

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