Watch: Confirmed- Jon Stewart Less Imbecilic Than Stephen Colbert, Says Covid is Lab Leak While Colbert Squirms – IOTW Report

Watch: Confirmed- Jon Stewart Less Imbecilic Than Stephen Colbert, Says Covid is Lab Leak While Colbert Squirms

Colbert looks frightened that his comrade Jon Stewart has enough sense to know where Wuhan Flu came from, going against the dictum decreed by his leftist overlords.

Colbert is a hack. Stewart sill has a shred of balls and brains left.

Short video above, long form below.

In the long version you will see Colbert ask Stewart how long he has been working for Senator Ron Johnson.”

He also brings up Fauci’s name as if he is a name of prominence amongst science.

And then Colbert offers his asinine theory as to what the Wuhan lab is doing and why they are there.

16 Comments on Watch: Confirmed- Jon Stewart Less Imbecilic Than Stephen Colbert, Says Covid is Lab Leak While Colbert Squirms

  1. Colbert’s last name should be pronounced Coal Bert and not with the French affectation making it Coal Bear. I could never stand the guy when he was on Comedy Central. I had a friend in HS whose last name was Colbert and he would’ve never thought of calling himself Coal Bear.

  2. John Stewart is and will ALWYS be a total piece of liberal shit

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  3. There’s something weird about men their age still trying to look and sound like twenty-somethings. Letterman was like that and even Gutfeld has that vibe. Aren’t there any political comedy/punditry shows that actually *have* intelligent twenty-somethings hosting them, or are their audiences fooled into believing they are much younger than they are?


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