Watch Croaky-Voiced Bint Gold Starring Her Young Student When She Claims Whites Get Away With Murdering Blacks – IOTW Report

Watch Croaky-Voiced Bint Gold Starring Her Young Student When She Claims Whites Get Away With Murdering Blacks

THIS is being touted as CRT.

This ugly, twisted wench should not be near a classroom.

18 Comments on Watch Croaky-Voiced Bint Gold Starring Her Young Student When She Claims Whites Get Away With Murdering Blacks

  1. ‘dominant culture’
    “what do dominant people do?”
    they indoctrinate impressionable children if they can get away with it.

    I was going to say something like she sounds like she has a pole up her ass or something- the inflections of her speech. But that wouldn’t be appropriate, so I won’t.
    Guess I’m not dominant then. Goody.

    “they actually said everything”
    it works
    stop it

  2. Bitch has successfully brain washed her students.
    I swear, there is going to be money to be had for professional deprogrammers.
    They will be able to make bank working to turn our public school students and all the Cult of Fauxi, back to normal.

  3. OK….Let’s spin this around.
    Go to any mooselimb country and pick out the dominant culture (mooselimbs) and see what they are doing to the oppressed Jews, Christians, Women…
    They are torturing, murdering, etc.
    Come back to the USA and find the equivalent. YOU CAN’T…unless you go to the mooselimb “no go” zones.

  4. Sorry, bint, racist teaching isn’t a thing. Inquiry-based learning also isn’t a thing because the children haven’t guided any learning. You indoctrinated them to keep them from learning the truth so what flows from their mouths is nothing but falsehoods that don’t get them anywhere in life. What flows from their mouths is limited to giving you some sort of a power trip that’s nothing short of mentally sick.

  5. My perspectives on this….first off IT’S CALLED A BRUSH….USE IT!!!

    Second….Not only shouldn’t this woman be teaching, she shouldn’t be procreating.

  6. These are not the children’s opinions—the kids are regurgitating what the teacher wants to hear; look at the praise she heaps upon them for having the “right” opinion.

  7. You see they fix it so when you argue the truth or denounce CRT you are therefor by default a white racist. If white people resist they are then labelled Nazi’s


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