WATCH: Dozens Of Athletes COLLAPSE Dead – Media Won’t Report It… – IOTW Report

WATCH: Dozens Of Athletes COLLAPSE Dead – Media Won’t Report It…

Many top athletes are leaving the field on gurneys due to “cardiac events.” Many of  them pass away. And it is occurring more frequently, despite the soft-soaping of a British cardiologist.

So what exactly is happening? 

That question was tackled by Professor Sanjay Sharma, the top sports cardiologist in the UK who consults with many sports federations.

Prof. Sharma, director of research and professor of sports cardiology at St. George’s University in London, stated that we had this blitz in 2021, and it’s concerning that so many young guys, who are meant to represent the healthier side of our culture, are suddenly developing heart issues.

Sharma says he is keeping an open mind but thinks this is more likely a statistical cluster than a growing trend. “Everyone is assuming that the sudden rash of cardiac problems we are witnessing in athletes is due to Covid or, even worse, that vaccine-associated myocarditis may be to blame,” Sharma said.

He claims he can assure everyone that Eriksen’s cardiac arrest, Aguero’s cardiac scare, Fleck’s issues, and Wyke’s issues had nothing to do with Covid or the vaccination.

He says the football screening program in the UK has assisted some of these athletes in the past. One could see how their exams went before this occurred because Aguero played in England long before moving to Spain. Sharma says that he doesn’t think his heart attack was football-related; instead, he believes it was just “poor luck.”

Prof. Sharma thinks that after Foe’s death in 2003 and Muamba’s breakdown in 2012, the game has accelerated dramatically, which may cause the surge.

He speculates that there may be connections between the Premier League players’ “lack of adequate rest” and the fact that they continued to practice through lockdown before Project Restart last year or the lower division players’ return from leave.

One would think that lack of exercise would cause cardiac events, not proper training.

Sharma points to the expansion of the internet and social media as reasons why news from overseas leagues is being disseminated more quickly than in the past.

However, the nonprofit organization Cardiac Risk in the Young claims the lives of about 600 young individuals under the age of 35 every year (CRY).

A cardiologist at CRY said that you don’t hear about it, but when it involves a well-known person, it draws the attention of the entire country. It isn’t until a football player experiences a fright that society realizes that a young person might suddenly pass away.

The world’s attention has been drawn to sudden cardiac arrest in sports due to Eriksen’s well-publicized and abrupt cardiac arrest, which was the most high-profile we’ve ever seen. Then, Aguero experienced another fright during a live game when his heart nearly stopped. He is among the top 10 football players in the world,” in my opinion,” Sharma said.

“When they become well-known, people begin to believe the situation is worsening.”

Abrupt cardiac arrest has been the cause of eight deaths since the FA’s cardiac screening program started in 1997.

Here is a video of athletes collapsing on the field. A video like this couldn’t be made decades ago. It just didn’t happen as much –

ht/ woody

17 Comments on WATCH: Dozens Of Athletes COLLAPSE Dead – Media Won’t Report It…

  1. The media will be looped into the wrongful death suits along with Big Pharma and the gubmnt players. The money trail is easy to follow and once the flood gates are opened it’s going to be every subhuman piece of shit for themself. The Trial Lawyers a have the whip hand and are sitting back patiently waiting for the green flag to drop.

  2. In the subset of “people that work on my shift in my factory in my building that I have direct knowledge of”, I have had a 19 yo male die ot unexplained on autopsy full cardiac arrest, a 23 yo female having a series of seizures on the factory floor, a 25 yo who had a BP of 160 over 100 with a pulse of 110 who was incoherent and drooling, and a 26 yo who was talking and joking before he fell to the pavement in the smoking area and quit breathing for a time.

    And those are just the more dramatic ones, and leave out the ones that happened offsite, like the 36 yo male African that died driving his car to work and only the panicked actions of his passenger kept him from killing multiple people in a headon.

    Could be other things? Sure. I don’t get medical hx in my role, especially from unconcious/dead people.

    But I’ve been in the same place for almost 30 years doing the same thing with people doing the same thing, and this last couple of years has been pretty odd, to say the least. Nothing like this ever happened BEFORE late 2021.

    IDK, i could be comecting dots that don’t connect. Things cluster sometimes. But I also ran the streets in an ambulance for a decade and most young people I saw were traumatic injury and the occasional poisoning, cardiac events that didn’t involve electric shocks, congenital problems, or trauma were exceedingly rare.

    But the vaxxines are still out there, and more and more counties are reporting a resugence in Covid. I strongly suspect they intend to poison us all, willing or unwilling, with the FakeVaxx before the “elections”, if they don’t get us into a nuclear war first.

    These people will NOT yield power as long as they are alive, no matter what it costs or how many they need to kill. Fear and FakeVaxxx are proven the best tools for it.

    Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson, and AZ will be just fine, once everyone who would question them is dead.

    That was the plan all along.

  3. Midnight Movie RadIO Bandwave August 2, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    Call for Art . . . Mr. Art Bell Come in please

    Art is somewhere in time and space at the moment, however, I think Joe Rogan would be a good one to address this issue. Bret Weisnstein of Dark Horse does a podcast with his wife. The Weinsteins taught college level biology. The two of them came close to getting the jab until their professional senses kicked in and they stayed away.

  4. It makes no headlines, even locally, even conservative papers and even most online conservative sites.

    I’ll see local stories about this person died in a one car accident, then later if you look for it and find it, it will say the autopsy showed they had a heart attack or blood clot in the brain. Men and women in their 20’s and 30’s.
    Then even sadder are all the stories of this teen or this pre-teen collapsed while running, riding a bike, playing basketball at the park. Nobody seems curious about this at all.

    I’ve discussed before my own family members and friends who died after getting the shots.
    Now I see constantly people I know of with the same friends, etc. who I know took the shots and are being diagnosed with rare cancers, two people in the same small county, who are not related, both got the shots, both got boosters and both recently diagnosed with a rare cancer. I can’t remember the name, but when I read about both of them I looked it up and it’s only like 5 out of a million who are diagnosed with it. One of them is in her late 60’s, the other is in her early 40’s.
    A hospital I follow on FB is always posting condolences and prayers to family of doctors and nurses who passed away suddenly.

    Then how high miscarriages and still births are now.

    Then there was a baby I was reading about the other day whose mother got the shots in the third trimester, her baby had to be taken in an emergency c-section early because it had a stroke, then had to have it’s arm amputated because of a major blood clot. Now also has brain damage.

  5. Dozens? At this point it is hundreds and weekly. You can’t through a tennis tournament or the Tour de France without top athletes having trouble breathing, dropping out, collapsing. But nothing to see and just be happy if you didn’t take the shots it would be worse somehow.

  6. I listen every night on my SW radio for a signal
    that could be reflected off a distant galaxy of
    ole Art Bell the original.There are tales and urban
    radio legends of people receiving TV & radio signals
    from broadcast 30 years ago.Voyager 1 is so far out now
    it takes 23 hours for it’s radio signal to get back to Earth.
    22 watt transmitter @ 8 GHZ.Amazing.

  7. I often wonder if the truth will ever become mainstream? I can pretty much guarantee the majority of media talking heads and politicians never got the true shots. So those that will be alive to tell the story will be those of us who did our research and didn’t take their death jabs and our enemies. Hopefully we will outnumber them.

  8. The Emergency Room Doctor who leaned over and whispered in my ear ‘If you had taken the vaccine I would be looking for blood clots now.’ She waited until the Nurses were out of the room to say this. She should be shouting it from the roof top.


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