Watch How Jean-Pierre Tries To Wriggle Out of Exposing How Stupid She Is – IOTW Report

Watch How Jean-Pierre Tries To Wriggle Out of Exposing How Stupid She Is

18 Comments on Watch How Jean-Pierre Tries To Wriggle Out of Exposing How Stupid She Is

  1. …the thing they miss about promoting someone to a job they are manifestly unequipped to do is that it does NO ONE any favors, least of all the person with the undue promotion.

    People who did not build a base for a career are incapable of doing it without that base, and it will be impossible for that to not show as it does here or for them to not know it themselves. Being very publicly bad at your job will just make you bitter and angry, while also making it impossible to try to acquire the needed skills since you are presumed to already have them.

    All this does is wreck respect for both the person and the job.

    But maybe that was the intention all along.

  2. Grifting Grifters Rules Cookedbooks
    Rule Two v2.22

    Always use incompetence as a cover.
    It works.
    Ask Sam(s).
    It is codified into their rulesets.

    To counter play previous signed memos for the record.
    They always forget about those.
    They have bad memories.
    The stream says they will have bad future memories again.
    To counter make them sign a memo for the record now.
    They will forget it tomorrow.
    Then when you have enough memos for the record.
    You can fire them. By the Book.

    PS: They will claim they lost the book. Remember that.

  3. Almost (but not quite!) as good as Obama’s…

    “Spend, spend, spending, spent… spend on spending…”

    But the really sad thing is that we’re all spent – and now (she’s right!), we don’t have anything!

    In other words, thanks to you stinkholes, we got nothin’, beotch!

  4. So she doesn’t have anything but will she at least circle back?

    Affirmative action at it’s best. The perfect spokes person for an administration that just “doesn’t have anything”.

  5. The evil Mop-haired Muppet was hired to spread BS for a BS administration.

    She knows there’s nothing anyone can do about the crap she dishes out, even though everyone doesn’t buy it.

    She doesn’t “circle back” – instead she pretends to be clueless and gaslights anyone who wants a legitimate response.
    That’s a higher level of deceit.


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