WATCH: Judge BANS Hillary Clinton’s Name… – IOTW Report

WATCH: Judge BANS Hillary Clinton’s Name…

The rig is in…

Judge Barbara Bellis and Alex Jones’ lawyer got into a heated exchange after Norm Pattis brought up Hillary Clinton’s mention of Jones and Sandy Hook during her 2016 presidential campaign.

The judge said:
“I already ruled on the Clinton issue and we’re moved on from that,” Judge Bellis said to Pattis. “Stick with the Megyn Kelly and I don’t want to hear Hillary Clinton again.”

Watch the footage yourself.

10 Comments on WATCH: Judge BANS Hillary Clinton’s Name…

  1. Judge is a smug little bitch, but at the end of the clip, pony-tail guy put her back into her box. How ironic, in a trial in which Alex Jones is contending that he was being silenced, the judge imposed a gag-rule forbidding the mention of Queen Hillary.

  2. “I don’t want to hear Hillary Clinton again.”
    How ’bout:
    The H-bag.
    Crooked Hillary.
    Hiller E. Coyote.
    The Coughin Commie.
    The Screeching Basalisk
    Monica Lewinski´s Ex-Boyfriend´s Wife.
    The Benghazi Bullshitter.
    The old, cold criminal business partner of the Pants-Dropper-and-Thief.
    The deceitful, divisive, tone-deaf, thoroughly corrupt criminal business partner of a bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll.
    The Imelda Marcos of scandals.
    The Helldabeast.
    The anti-semetic, Alinsky-loving, nasty, old Witch.
    She who left her moral compass, scruples, honesty and accountability on a filthy night stand with her thesis on Saul Alinsky next to a broken lava-lamp and an ashtray full of smoked roaches.

  3. Likely future actions based on this exchange. Trial tossed, judge reprimanded… something.

    Judges keep making the mistake they can make up their own rules.

    If it is pertinent – it is pertinent whether you like it or not.


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